The Funeral Mass for Mona G. Fearheiley was held Saturday, December 23, 2017, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Fr. Robert Zwilling conducted mass, assisted by Deacons Charlie Speaks and Steve Lowe. Mona’s grandchildren draped the Pall over the casket. The First Reading, John 14:1-7 was read by Craig Newman. Hanna Fearheiley and Christian Hawkins presented the gifts. Lisa Underriner served as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Mikayla Beck was Cantor with Donna Lowe playing keyboard. Songs played were “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” “Shepherd Me, O God,” “Here I Am, Lord,” “Ave Maria,” “On Eagles Wings,” “Precious Lord, Take My Hand,” “Let There Be Peace on Earth” and “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee.” Eighth grade students, Maleah Armstrong, Isaac Kieffer and Gehrig Jones, aided as servers. The Committal service was held at Highland Memorial Cemetery with Sione Militoni, Matthew Militoni, Grant Fearheiley, Christian Hawkins, Bill Eaton and J Roy Dee III as pallbearers.
