Residents Protest River Camp Rules

Mt. Carmel leaders recent decision to enforce rules against occupants of river camps drew a big crowd to Monday night’s City Council meeting. After years of not paying rent on the city-owned property, the river campers behind the sea wall are now required to sign a lease, have liability insurance, and pay $50 a year. During last week’s Ask The Mayor segment on WSJD, Joe Judge responded to criticism of the new enforcement effort….

But, Richard Johnston complained at Monday’s meeting that he was unfairly treated and lost the rights to his river camp. Judge said the issue is simple…

Without mentioning Johnston by name, Judge outlined the reasons for the action taken against him by the city….

After Johnston complained he was being singled out, Judge assured him action would soon be taken against others who are committing violations.

The mayor’s full response to the question can be heard here:

Helen Gillihan questioned the council as to why only one camper at a time is now allowed at river camps owned by the city.

A shot of some of those turning out at Monday’s meeting.