Covalt Guilty On 29 Child Porn Charges

33 year old Chad Covalt of Mt. Carmel has been found guilty on 29 child pornography charges in Wabash County Circuit Court.

During a one day bench trial today, Judge William C. Hudson determined Covalt had committed the Class X felonies last May.

The trial began today with state’s attorney Kelli Storckman calling the victim, her friend, and Covalt’s ex wife who found the child porn images and videos on Covalt’s cell phone and turned them over to authorities last year.

Also testifying today was Mt. Carmel Police Department detective Eddie Johnson who interviewed Covalt prior to his arrest.

Covalt’s attorney, Daniel Shinkle, chose not to call any witnesses or offer any evidence. Covalt declined taking the stand in his own defense.

After recessing at 11am, Hudson returned the guilty verdict at about 2:15pm.

Covalt will be sentenced May 23rd and faces a possible prison sentence of 6 to 30 years in prison on each of the 29 counts. Hudson remanded Covalt back to the Wabash County Jail to await sentencing.

Chad Covalt is escorted back to the Wabash County Jail after being found guilty on 29 child porn charges.

Chad Covalt is escorted back to the Wabash County Jail after being found guilty on 29 child porn charges.

Chad Covalt is escorted back to the Wabash County Jail after being found guilty on 29 child porn charges.