SCAM ALERT: Fake computer repair techs stealing money

From Gibson County Sheriff’s Department: Be aware of scam calls from people claiming to be from some type of PC repair company (kind of like Geek Squad, but not necessarily using that name). They're saying they need to update your anti-virus subscription, get you to let them connect to your computer remotely, then they'll end up accessing bank account information and transferring money.

They also try to talk you into sending Green Dot cards, or even cash to process some sort of refund for having entered the wrong amount.

Do not let people you don't know access your computer or any other devices. Also, never send gift cards or money (or even provide gift card serial numbers over the phone) to anybody you don't know.

There are always several different scam calls circulating the area. The best option is to not answer unknown calls. If you get a call from somebody suspicious, just hang up. Don't give out personal information.