Wabash County Board Of Commissioners Agenda


Monday, October 19, 2020 – 4:30 P.M.


  1)  Call to order:

  2)  Approve minutes of previous meeting:

  3)  Commissioner’s reports:

  4)  Officer’s reports:

  5)  Old Business:

        a. Intergovernmental Agreement regarding phone system in the county, city and                      911 building.        

       6)  New Business:

             a. Craig Newman, Director of the AEA, will update the Board.

              b. Engineering Agreement with HLR to prepare plans for resurfacing a section  CH 6.

              c. Review and consider acceptance of the ICRMT renewal for the Property &                         Casualty/Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage for 2020-2021.

              d. Review and consider acceptance of the proposed renewal with Trustmark for                        services as third party administrator for our county health insurance 2020-21.

              e. Special Event Approval by Local Liquor Licensing Authority for a wedding at  the 4H Center Anderson Building by 8th Street Liquor.

              f. Review the Holiday and Meeting Date schedule for 2020-2021.

  7)  Executive Session:

       8)  Correspondence:

  9)  Approval for payment of claims presented:

10)  Adjournment:

This agenda is subject to change prior to the time of the meeting if necessary.

The meeting will be held upstairs in the Courtroom because of the COVID19 restrictions limiting distancing and number of attendees.  The number of people is limited to ten (10) and masks will be required.