In order to better accommodate the parents of our students the Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on October 22 & 24 from 4-7 p.m. The signup procedure is:
1. Parents may call the Guidance office at 262-8886 or may stop by during
school hours (7:30 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.) to make appointments. Students
may also set these appointments up for their parents in the Guidance Office
at the school. Parents or guardians can email Chris Pitzer .
2. An appointment schedule for each teacher will be kept in the school guidance office.
Appointments will be 15 minutes in length with a short break in between each one.
3. There is no deadline for sign-up; however, the sign-up procedure will be on a
first come-first serve basis.
4. Parents are encouraged to sign-up for appointments prior to 4:00 P.M. on
Monday October 21.. This way, an appointment schedule can be furnished
to each teacher in order to properly prepare for their upcoming conferences.
5. Parents who cannot attend a conference on these scheduled dates are encouraged to
contact individual teachers for appointments on other dates or send an email.