NY's Eve Blood Drive Planned At MCHS

The Mt. Carmel High School National Honor Society is sponsoring a New Years Eve Blood Drive. The drive will be held in the Senior parking lot at MCHS.  The mobile van will be set up from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM with 19 time slots available to fill.  Mt. Carmel High School continues to work with the American Red Cross with our continued support and education towards the numerous benefits of donating blood.  The American Red Cross gives back to MCHS by providing scholarship money to members of our graduating class.  The more units collected by MCHS the more monetary award available to our students.  The scholarship money awarded last year was $750, this year our goal is $1000.  To accomplish this MCHS must collect at least 151 pints over the course of the school year.  Please consider the gift of giving.   You may schedule yourself by going to www.redcrossblood.org and search for Mt. Carmel High School Drive, or you can email skolb@wabash348.com with a time choice.Thank You!

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