Andrews Fans 15 As Lady Rockets Blank West Salem,

Despite the heat, the SMS Lady Rockets secured their first home win of the season Monday afternoon against West Salem. Bella Andrews would pitch a shut out with 15 KOs, only 7 hits and zero walks.

Top 1st Bella Andrews would strike the first three batters out.
Bottom 1st
Kali Walkers (12) bunt and fielding errors would land her on third base. She’d score on wild pitch.
Lyla Keepes (6) 2 hit two foul tips before striking out. Bella Andrews (8) hit a grounder to second and an error put her on first. She also scored.
Madison Stevens (19) with a pop over the pitchers head also got onto first.
Cortney Jones (15) would ground to pitcher getting on first. Elizabeth Hefner (9) strikes out.
Hazel Earnest (7) hit to pitcher but was thrown out at first.
SCORE (0-2)

Top 2nd Walker (catcher) would catch a foul tip for the first out. Bella would close the inning with 2 more strike outs.
Bottom 2nd
Riley Gill (3) laid a great bunt but was barely thrown out at first. Bayley Andrews (2) would strike out. Walker laid another bunt and got on first. Keepes hit to short. Bella Andrews bunted and Walker scored. Stevens hit to short buy thrown out at first.

Top 3rd
Bella Andrews went to work early with 2 KOs. A hit to pitcher and an error allowed a runner on first. Bella would close the inning with another strike out.
Bottom 3rd
Jones was walked.
Hefner also walked.
Earnest had a solid left field hit allowing Scored Jones and Hefner to score. Hazel would score off a wild pitch.
Gill was walked.
Bayley Andrews would strike out.
Walker hit to short but out on a nice snag.
Keepes hit to third but didn’t beat the throw to first.

Top 4th
Bella started with striking out the first batter. A drop third allowed a runner on base. Next batter hit to second but Hefner connected with Stevens at first for the out. A grounder to pitcher saw Bella Andrews throw to Stevens at one for the third out.
Bottom 4th
Bella Andrews would ground to short but thrown out at one. Stevens was also thrown out at one.
Jones was hit by a pitch. Hefner ground to pitcher and thrown out at first.

Top 5th
First batter hit to second getting on base.
Bella Andrews followed up with 2 strike outs.
The runner advanced off base. Keepes and Stevens ran her down, allowing Keepes to secure the third out with the tag.

Bottom 5th
Earnest grounded out to first. Gill struck out.
Ella Turner also struck out.

Top 6th
Bella Andrews started another inning with a strike out. The next batter would hit to center left but only get on first with excellent fielding by Gill and Turner. The runner attempted to steal second. Walker at catcher threw down to Keepes at short for the tag at second. Bella finished the inning with yet another KO.

Bottom 6th
At the top of the line up Walker was walked. Keepes got on first off a drop third. Bella Andrews hit to center field and Walker scored.
Stevens hit to second but out on a nice catch.
Jones hit to pitcher and was also out on the catch. Hefner hit straight up the third base line. Keepes scored. Earnest struck out.

Top 7th
Bella struck the first batter out. Next batter hit to Jones @ third. She threw to Stevens for the out at one. A Hit to deep center allowed a runner on second. Last batter hit to pitcher, Bella Andrews who connected with Stevens at first for the game.

A very big thank you to the fans who came to support the girls. Also thank you to the umpires Matt Noble and Johnny Compton. And again to Bonnie Keepes for the photos of the girls.

Lady Rockets are back in action at home again tomorrow at 5pm vs a solid Clay City program.

Photo Courtesy: Bonnie Keepes

Photo Courtesy: Bonnie Keepes