Lady Rockets are victorious against Grayville tonight with a final of 7-4.
Top of 1st
Kali Walker and Lyla Keepes grounded out.
Bella Andrews was walked to first
Madison Stevens also grounded out to first.
Bottom of 1st
Bella Andrews strikes 2 out
Throw to first gets third out
Top of 2nd
Cortney Jones walks to first and scores
Elizabeth Hefner strike out
Hazel Earnest hits a double
Riley Gill strike out
Ella Turner at bat but Hazel was tagged out trying to steal home.
Score: 1-0
Bottom of 2nd
Bella strikes 2 out.
Madison gets the out at first.
Score: 1-0
Top 3rd
Ella turner strikes out
Bayley Andrews walked and scored
Kali Walker hit by pitch and Scored
Lyla Keepes Walked And Scored
Bella Andrews was walked.
Madison Stevens was hit by pitch
Cortney Jones was walked
Pitcher change For Grayville
Elizabeth Hefner hit to pitcher and Bella was tagged out at home.
Hazel earnest hit a pop up to pitcher and was third out.
Score 0-4
Bottom 3
Bella strikes out 1st batter
Drop third out at first with throw from Kali to Madison Stevens
Bella strikes out third batter.
Score 0-4
Top 4
Riley Gill ground out to pitcher
Ella Turner hit to second baseman but out at first on throw.
Bayley Andrews ground out to first.
Score 0-4
Bottom 4th
Strike out drop third Kali to Madison.
Batter hit to second and Elizabeth Hefner throws her out at first to Madison.
A hit to center allows runner on first, she stole second and third. She scored on dropped pitch.
Pop up to first allows Madison to secure third out
Score 1-4
Top 5th
Kali hit just over pitcher gets on 1st
Lyla hit to center and runs to first
Bella hit to third and gets on first. No outs.
Madison to center left. Allowing Kali and Lyla to score.
Cortney Jones hits to pitcher on first. Bases loaded again.
Liz Hefner hits a pop up. Cortney tagged out at first before she could tag up.
Hazel hit to pitcher and thrown out first.
Score 1-6
Bottom 5th
Hit to short. Lyla Keepes throws to Madison For out.
Bella strikes out batter.
Bella strikes out third batter.
Score 1-6
Top 6th
Riley Gill strikes out.
Ella Turner strikes out.
Bayley Andrews was walked
Kali Walker out on pop up to short.
Score 1-6
Bottom 6th
Bella strikes out first batter.
Walked batter who stole second and third.
Bella strikes out another batter.
Next batter hits to center, shes on first.
Drop third, score, runner on second.
Bella throws to Kali for third out on runner stealing home.
Score 3-6
Top 7
Lyla Keepes was walked and scored.
Bella Andrews was walked.
Madison Stevens hit to right field and gets on first.
Cortney Jones strikes out.
Liz Hefner was walked
Hazel earnest strike out.
Riley Gill strike out.
Score 3-7
Bottom 7th
Hit to right Hazel fields the ball and stopped the runner at first
Next batter hits to second. Out at first with throw from Liz to Madison.
Bella strikes out next batter.
Wild pitch allows runner to score.
Bella Andrews secures 14th strike out of the day to end the game with a final score of Grayville 4 SMS 7
SMS advances to 2-0 in the conference and season. The Lady Rockets are back in action Monday August 24th at 4:15 for their first home game against West Salem.
Photo credit to Bonnie Keepes.