Yellow Jacket Basketball Report At Cisne

On Thursday, December 12th, Yellow Jackets Basketball traveled to Cisne for WEAA Conference action.  In the C-game, the Yellow Jackets won 25-16.  Scoring for the Yellow Jackets was:  Brendan Bowser with 12 points, Brady Porter with 6 points, Cameron Kolb with 5 points, and Will Freeland with 2 points.  The C-team is now 5-3 on the season.

 In the B-game, the Yellow Jackets started hot in the first quarter, but fell in defeat to Cisne by the final score of 47-36.  Scoring for the Yellow Jackets was:  Reed Stinson with 13 points, Chase Gher with 8 points, Brady Porter with 6 points, Kollin Kelsey with 5 points, and Elliott Acree with 4 points.  The B-team is now 5-4 on the season.

In the A-game, the Yellow Jackets definitely did not have a good night, as Cisne won the game 61-26.  Scoring for the Yellow Jackets was:  Trent Casburn with 10 points, Matt Jackson with 8 points, Kollin Kelsey with 4 points, Elliott Acree with 2 points, and Chase Gher with 2 points.  The A-team is now 6-3 overall and 5-2 in WEAA Conference play.

Next up:  Yellow Jackets will host Jasper in non-conference action on Monday, December 16th.  C-game begins at 5:15 pm.