Severin: Pritzker Insults President Trump and Fails to Take Responsibility for Illinois' Budget Deficit

SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Representative Dave Severin (R-Benton) says Illinois Governor JB Pritzker’s combined State of the State and Budget Address failed to acknowledge that Illinois’ Sanctuary State policies have caused havoc for the state’s finances.

“Governor Pritzker has been the head honcho of illegal immigration since taking office, supporting sanctuary state policies, and spending billions of taxpayer dollars on illegal migrant services. Instead of acknowledging that these policies have significantly contributed to our state’s financial decline, the governor used his Budget Address to blame President Trump for Illinois’ financial woes. That is not how an executive demonstrates ownership over significant financial problems facing our state. What happened to, “The Buck Stops Here?”

Governor Pritzker’s proposed budget would once again spend a record amount of money, totaling $55.235 billion. That number is over $15 billion higher (a 38% increase) compared to Pritzker’s first budget year (FY20). Severin says it is time for Pritzker and General Assembly Democrats to face the reality that they have over-promised, overspent, and under-delivered for Illinois taxpayers.

“It’s been record spending budgets and tax hikes year after year,” Severin said. “Socialism doesn’t work. It’s been tried. No matter who is trying it, you eventually run out of other people’s money. We are seeing citizens and businesses leaving the state, taking their families and jobs with them. There is a direct relationship between our high-tax, high-spending government policies, and the outmigration of our citizens. Today’s proposed budget fails to take into account that our citizens are tapped out, and tired of the same failed policies.”

Severin says he and his fellow House Republicans have three main priorities to get Illinois’ finances back in order.

“Our priorities are economic growth through government reform and good tax policy, reducing costs through agency efficiencies and structural reforms, and opposing more tax increases that have driven people and jobs out of Illinois,” Severin said. “It’s pretty simple. Let’s get back to a government that works for the people instead of our people having to break their backs to pay for the excessive spending of Illinois Democrats.”