Proposed Market Street Improvement Plans Unveiled

The Market Street business downtown business district could see a complete overhaul if a state grant application is approved. The $3 million grant application is through IDOT’s transportation enhancement program and would include a variety of improvements according to project engineer Joe Zdankiewicz of Horner Shifrin..

More than two dozen residents showed up yesterday afternoon for an open house at City Hall in which Zdankiewicz showed off a map of the proposed work along with photos of other southern Illinois communities his firm has worked with to secure the state grant. So how does Mt. Carmel’s downtown look compared to those….

Zdankiewicz said the application deadline is September 30th with the state announcing the grant winners next Spring. If Mt. Carmel’s grant application is approved, Zdankiewicz said it would take about 18 months for the design and engineering work to be completed. After that, construction would take another year to finish. The city’s share would be 10% of the total project cost.

Horner Shifrin project engineer Joe Zdankiewicz talks with Mt. Carmel resident Dennis Renner about the Market Street project.