My name is Gillian Hodgson. I am 14 years old. My mother is Natalie Hodgson and my father is Geoff Hodgson. I am the oldest of 5 children. I belong to the Allendale Twisters 4-H club.
In 4-H, my interests include my quarter horse, Playboy; and vegetable and flower gardening. My hobbies are crocheting, ranch sorting, baking, riding four wheelers, and hanging out with friends. My first goal this year is to increase my participation in ranch sorting competitions and to better my scores. My second goal is to learn to barrel race and enter competitions. I have been developing a pie baking class and so my third goal for the year is to be ready and offer at least one class to the public.
I am participating in the contest because I am inspired by my good friend who was princess last year. She loved the whole experience which made me excited to be able to participate in running for fair princess this year.
If I am chosen to be princess, I will do my best to be someone other people look up to and make other young girls excited to have the same opportunity I have right now. I would like to share with other youth what I have learned in 4-H.
Thank you, Short Cunningham Funeral Home for sponsoring me, and to everyone who has helped me get to the place I am right now.