Trailer Owner Vows To Seek Legal Help Against City Council

A Mt. Carmel woman who wants to replace an aging mobile home with a newer one in the 900 block of East 5th Street says she’s getting a lawyer to fight the city council. Patty Courtright’s request to change a city ordinance that prohibits trailers older than 15 years old from being placed in any area of the city other than a trailer park has now been denied by the city council for a third time. At Tuesday’s city council meeting, Courtright again appeared and this time was much more vocal that her efforts are being rejected and that touched off a verbal spat with commissioner Tom Meeks….

Courtright rejected suggestions she locate the 20 plus year trailer in a trailer park saying it wasn’t a viable option for family members she is providing care.  She left the meeting Tuesday vowing to continue her fight with the help of an attorney.