The Board of Trustees of the Illinois Eastern Community College District No. 529 met Tuesday night, May 16th at Olney Central College, Olney, Illinois.
Board approval was given for revisions to the following policies:
• Title change of Policy 100.9 from Substance Abuse Policy to Alcohol-free/Drugfree Campus Policy.
• Pertinent elements of Policy 400.19 were incorporated into Policy 100.9 resulting in the deletion of Policy 400.19.
The Board approved an easement to allow Ameren Illinois to proceed with installing primary power lines to a new transformer to provide electrical service to the new recreation center.
A resolution making the official declaration of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges intent to reimburse the District for expenditures previously made through future bond proceeds for construction projects across the District was approved.
The Board authorized the District to procure a temporary structure to house Broadband Telecom activities, not to exceed available coverages through the Business Interruption policy.
A resolution to establish the Decennial Committee on Local Government Efficiency as required by Public Act 102-1088 was approved by the Board.
The Board authorized the District to work with the State of Illinois Capital Development Board on the transformer replacement project at Wabash Valley College.
Bid committee recommendations were approved for acceptance of the bid received from Homes by Schuetz in the amount of $43,175.08 for the FNB Field Support Area Improvements at Frontier Community College.
Employment was approved for John McCarty, Music Instructor, LTC and Austin Alexander, Social Sciences Instructor, LTC effective August 7, 2023; Phil Britton, Head Baseball Coach, OCC effective July 1, 2023; Terrance McGee, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, WVC effective June 1, 2023; Cindy Smith, TRIO Student Support Services Counselor, IECC effective May 22, 2023; and Amanda Andrews, International Student Liaison, WVC effective May 22, 2023.
Resignation ratifications were approved for Tyson Murray, College Admissions Representative, LTC effective May 1, 2023 and Tabatha Niduaza, Director of Instructional Services, WVC effective May 31, 2023.
Retirement ratification was approved for Beth Wilson, Nursing Instructor, FCC effective August 10, 2023.
Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, June 20, at 6:15 p.m. at Wabash Valley College, Olney