Albion Woman Jailed After Being Found Asleep At The Wheel

On 2/27/23, Mt. Carmel Police arrested Heather B. Crane, age 34, of Albion, Illinois for Possession of Methamphetamine and Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. Police were called to the Mt. Carmel Dollar Store on West 9th Street to a motorist asleep at the wheel in a black GMC. Police arrived on the scene and found an individual, later identified as Heather Crane, still asleep. After waking Crane, she appeared disoriented and confused when speaking to the officer. Crane submitted to a roadside sobriety check where she exhibited several clues to indicate impairment from drugs. Police also located a baggie of suspected methamphetamine in vehicle, which later field tested positive. Crane was placed under arrest and transported to the Wabash County Jail. Crane was processed for DUI and Possession of Methamphetamine and is being held pending a bond setting by a judge.