Dee Offers Update On Cherry Street Brick Project

More donations are being sought to help cover the cost of replacing the bricks at the 7th and Cherry Street intersection. Project organizer Jay Dee was at the last city council meeting and he said the original estimate to replace over 6,000 bricks came in at just under $24,000. But, Dee explained once crews started work last month, the project quickly became much more extensive than originally thought with an additional 1,500 bricks being needed along with 2,100 square feet of concrete than the 1,345 square feet that was originally thought. The price tag now according to Dee is right at $37,000. Mayor Joe Judge said city crews have been busy helping to work on infrastructure at the intersection… 

 Judge said the new bricks are being installed in a unique manner… 

 Dee said he would work on securing more donations to cover the cost over-runs.