IECC Board Report-December 2023

The Board of Trustees of the Illinois Eastern Community College District No. 529 met Tuesday night, December 12th at Lincoln Trail College, Robinson, Illinois.

The Board held a public hearing to receive public comments on the intent to levy taxes under 110 ILCS 805/3-14.3 and review the 2023 tax levy. No comments were received and the tax levy for calendar year 2023 was approved as presented. The Board subsequently approved a resolution establishing a 2023 estimated tax levy for taxes due and collectible in 2024. The estimated tax rate for the 2023 levy, which is inclusive of all levies and anticipated bond issues, is 43.79 cents per $100 in equalized assessed valuation. This rate is consistent with the District’s 20 year average of 43.80 cents per $100 in equalized assessed valuation.

Due to the new Public Act 103-0058, Removing Barriers to Higher Education Success Act, the Board reviewed Americans with Disabilities Act, Policy 100.12 and approved revisions to establish acceptable documentation that must be considered to determine whether a student has a qualifying disability, and allowing for reasonable accommodations. The Act also provides for specific transparent and explicit methods by which the policy is to be disseminated to students.

The Board approved the financial contribution for Calendar Year 2024 to each qualified employee’s Health Savings Account

The Board approved the Certification of Compliance with the Truth in Taxation Law and approved the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Designation of Tax Levy Year. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board is the organization that establishes accounting and financial reporting standards in the United States.

Affiliation agreements were approved with CTF Illinois and Good Samaritan of Vincennes.

The Board approved revisions to Policy 100.28 Concealed Firearms Policy as presented. The revisions provide definitions, restrictions, expectations, and exceptions pertaining to weapons and ensures applicability is extended to faculty/staff, and visitors, as well as students. The Board also approved revisions to Policy 300.3 Auxiliary Enterprises Fund. The policy remains accurate with a minor revision reflective of actual practice. Policy 400.4 Holiday, Leave, and Benefit Policy Non-Bargaining Unit Employees was also approved to comply with the Paid Leave for All 2 Workers Act (820 ILCS 192).

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the issuance of $6,500,000 Taxable General Obligation Community College Bonds, Series 2024. It is anticipated the rate of interest on said bonds will be at or near 4%. The final maturity of the bonds is expected to be December 1, 2027.

The Board approved the current fee structure for students at IECC by removing the Computer Lab, Science Lab, and Online Hybrid Course fee and increase the Technology Fee to $9 per credit hour starting with the Fall 2024 term.

The Board approved the FY2023 Audit prepared by Martin Hood LLC and annual financial report as presented.

The Board accepted a bid from RKN, LLC for a total of $33,740 for gravel and fill for the temporary Broadband Technology Building at Lincoln Trail College to allow heavy equipment access to the site for instructional purposes.

The following personnel were employed: Caleb Dunn, Maintenance/Groundskeeper, FCC effective January 2, 2024. Changes in employment status effective January 2, 2024 was approved for Jamie Barbee from TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, OCC to College and Career Specialist.

Resignations were approved for Denise Givens as TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, OCC effective November 29, 2023 and Javier Milla as Head Men’s and Women’s Soccer Coach, LTC effective December 20, 2023.

The Board approved the 2023-2024 Bargaining Unit Faculty Seniority List as presented. The semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes was conducted as required by the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, January 19, 2024 at 6:15 p.m. at Olney Central College, Olney.