Sexual Assault Charge Reduced Against Bone Gap Man

A charge of predatory criminal sexual assault against a Bone Gap man has been reduced in Wabash County Circuit Court. During a preliminary hearing this morning, Wabash County State’s Attorney Kelli Storckman reduced the Class X felony sexual assault charge facing 38 year old Keith Armstrong to a Class 2 felony of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. During today’s hearing, Storckman amended the charge which reduces Armstrong’s possible prison sentence from 6 to 30 years on the Class X felony to 3 to 7 years on the Class 2 felony if he is convicted. After Judge William C. Hudson found probable cause on the amended charge, Armstrong entered a not guilty plea. Over the objection of Storckman, Hudson reduced Armstrong’s bail from $500,000 ($50,000 cash) to $10,000 ($1,000 cash). A pre-trial hearing in the case is set for July 18th.  Armstrong was arrested by MCPD on May 11th, 2022.