City Looking To Curb Vandalism At City Park

Vandalism at the City Park has drawn the ire of Mt. Carmel Mayor Joe Judge. At Monday’s City Council meeting, Judge said the latest round of damage came this past weekend… 

Other damage has included spray painting on the park’s shelter house. And Judge says the city has already taken steps to stop the vandalism… 

The park has seen major improvements since Judge became mayor with the addition of the pickleball courts, new restrooms and shelter house. Judge said the new cameras offer a 360 degree view of the park with night vision that can spot the license plate number of any would-be vandal.  And the mayor wrapped up his comments with a final warning…. 

Police chief Mike McWilliams said his officers have stepped up patrols of the city park as well spending at least 30 minutes of each shift in the park. 

The new restrooms at the City Park were the most recent victims of vandalism according to Mayor Joe Judge.