Local Realtors Looking For Help From County Board

Wabash County Commissioners are promising help in resolving a backlog of real estate transactions recording local realtors say is impacting local home sales. Realtor Brandon Hodgson explained the issues the delays are causing….

In particular, Hodgson said when a manufactured home is sold, the title of the home must be surrendered to the state. And that can’t occur until an affidavit of affixation is recorded…

Hodgson was quick to point out he was not faulting the county clerk’s office which handles the recordings. He said the office is doing its’ best but has been overwhelmed with other duties such as handling the influx of early voting. Commissioners said one solution may be to close the office to the public one day a week to focus solely on catching up on the backlog of recordings or hire an additional person for the office.