Gaga Ball To Be Latest Addition To City Park

A gaga ball pit will be the newest addition to the offerings at the Mt. Carmel City Park. City Commissioner Eric Ikemire, also a Mt. Carmel Kiwanian, said the club was fronting the money for the new pit that will bring gaga ball to the park. Gaga ball is is a fast paced, high energy sport played in an octagonal pit and has been dubbed a kinder gentler version of dodge ball. City officials haven’t decided yet what part of the park the gaga pit will be located.

Click the link to learn more about gaga ball:

Photo: An example of a gaga ball pit and is not indicative of what the pit in Mt. Carmel’s City Park will resemble.


An example of a gaga ball pit and is not indicative of what the pit in Mt. Carmel’s City Park will resemble.