September 20, 2021 at 4:30pm
Wabash County Courthouse
1) Call to order:
2) Approve minutes of previous meeting:
3) Commissioner’s reports:
4) Officer’s reports:
5) Old Business:
a. Probation Office relocation.
b. New aerial flight for GIS.
6) New Business:
a. Intergovernmental Agreement regarding the phone system in the county,
city and 911 building,
b Shelter Buddies to discuss the plan for the future of the Wabash County
Animal Shelter.
c. Resolution No. 2021-09, a resolution authorizing the cancellation of the
Certificate of Purchase of the taxes on a mobile home.
7) Executive Session:
8) Correspondence:
9) Approval for payment of claims presented:
10) Adjournment: