Should the city of Mt. Carmel enter into a 50 year agreement to privitize the city’s airport, which is located in Lawrence County? That’s the question facing the city council after hearing a lengthy presentation Monday evening from Brent Parrott of Skytrain Aviation. Parrott owns Skytrain with Jake Brian and the two have been at the last two council meetings trying to convince local leaders that turning the airport over to their company for the next 50 years would benefit Mt. Carmel by improving economic development opportunities. But finance commissioner Eric Ikemire was far from convinced following Parrott’s 45-minute sales pitch…
Ikemire said the idea of privatizing the airport has generated the biggest amount of negative feedback of any topic in his 6 years on the council. Despite a push from Parrott for the council to approve the deal Monday, Mayor Joe Judge and commissioners said the information would be taken under advisement for further consideration and it would be revisited at the next city council meeting on July 12th.
Skytrain Aviation’s Brent Parrott makes his pitch to the City Council Monday evening.