MCHS Alumni Foundation Military Hall Of Fame Dedicated

The MCHS Alumni Foundation dedicated the new military hall of fame during a 30 minute ceremony yesterday afternoon in the high school lobby. One of the speakers was Gary Liddle who is a 1968 MCHS graduate. He said the 13 men killed from Wabash County in the Vietnam War played an important role in his life and others locally… 

Also speaking yesterday was Reverend Allen Wright whose son Brian was killed in the Iraq War in 2005 at the age of 19. Wright said his son embraced the dangers of enlisting in the Illinois National Guard… 

The 200 pound bronze plaque is located in the main lobby of the high school and lists the names of 41 Wabash County military personnel killed in action from World Wars I and II, the Vietnam War, and Iraq War. 

Rev. Allen Wright

Rev. Allen Wright

Emily Teague

Emily Teague

Gary Adams

Gary Adams

Gary Liddle

Gary Liddle

Gary Liddle

Gary Liddle

Stan Ernest

Stan Ernest

Tim Bell

Tim Bell