REGULAR MEETING Monday, April 19, 2021 – 4:30 P.M.
1) Call to order:
2) Approve minutes of previous meeting:
3) Commissioner’s reports:
4) Officer’s reports:
5) Old Business:
a. Intergovernmental Agreement regarding the phone system in the
county, city and 911 building.
6) New Business:
a. Proclamation for Child Abuse Prevention Month.
b. Business to establish a contingency plan for the future of the
Wabash County Animal Shelter.
c. Request for Special Event Approval for St. Mary’s City Lights.
7) Executive Session:
8) Correspondence:
9) Approval for payment of claims presented:
10) Adjournment:
The meeting will be held upstairs in the Courtroom because of the COVID19 restrictions limiting distancing and number of attendees. The number of people is limited to ten (10) and masks will be required.