Driving Too Fast In Heavy Snow Results In Two Truck Crash In Clay County



The Following Preliminary Information is Being Released by

Illinois State Police District 12 


WHAT:                      Two Vehicle Personal Injury Traffic Crash  


WHERE:                   Route 50 at Old Route 50, Xenia, Clay County           


WHEN:                      Feb. 8, 2021 at approximately 10:10 p.m.              


VEHICLES:              Unit 1- 2004 Orange GMC Box Truck         

                                    Unit 2- 2012 Grey Chevrolet Truck


DRIVERS:                 Unit 1- Romano Ruslan, 34-year-old male from Orlando, FL – Transported to an area hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

                                    Unit 2- Robert Hale, 48-year-old male from Lawrenceville, IL – Transported to an area hospital with non-life threatening injuries.


PASSENGER:           Unit 2- Alex Carrell, 18-year-old male from Lawrenceville, IL – Transported to an area hospital with non-life threatening injuries.


PRELIMINARY:      A preliminary investigation indicates the following occurred:  Unit 1 was traveling East on Route 50 near the intersection with Old Route 50 in Xenia, Clay County. The driver of Unit 1 was traveling too fast for conditions in heavy snow and lost control, crossing into the westbound lanes of Route 50. Unit 2 was traveling west on Route 50 and was sideswiped by Unit 1. Both Unit 1 and Unit 2 drivers, as well as the Unit 2 passenger were transported to an area hospital with non-life threatening injuries.


CHARGES:               The driver of Unit 1 was cited for Driving Too Fast for Conditions, Improper Lane Usage and Illegal Transportation of Alcohol by Driver.


All subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.