County Solves Space Issue For Probation Office

Making do with the space they have available, Wabash County officials have eked out some additional space for the county’s probation office.

At a September county commissioner meeting, Chief Probation Officer Ryan Ruble spelled out the hardships Wabash County probation officer Judy Lewis works. According to Ruble, the probation office is required to keep records for a minimum of 5 years causing a large amount of files to pile up in Lewis’s small office. In addition, filing cabinets with confidential probation records are being stored in a nearby conference room potentially compromising the privacy of individuals in the information.

At this past Monday’s meeting, county board chairman Rob Dean said the issue has been resolved, at least temporarily….

Ruble said the statewide mandate to bring the justice system to community corrections means more people on probation and even larger burden on Lewis’s office in terms of workload and space.