Centralia, IL – On August 28, 2020, Illinois State Police (ISP) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Zone 8 officials were requested by the Trenton Police Department to investigate the discovery of female human remains in an advanced state of decomposition located in the ditch of the Illinois Route 160 on-ramp to New United States Route 50 westbound near Trenton, IL.
An autopsy was completed on Saturday, August 29, 2020 with results still pending. ISP DCI Zone 8 is leading the death investigation and is requesting the public’s assistance in identifying the body as they continue pursuing all available leads. The remains are described as a white female, approximately 5-feet, 6-inches tall and weighing approximately 127 pounds. The female was wearing jean shorts with an American Indian style pattern and a t-shirt described as a Good Luck Unlimited Trolls T-Shirt like the example depicted below. Identifying tattoos include:
The word “Charity” tattooed in fancy script on the right forearm
A multi-colored mermaid-like figure tattooed on the upper left arm
A tattoo depicting a flower with a bumblebee and the word “Charity” in fancy script on the left forearm
The word “Dallas” tattooed in fancy script on the lower middle back
Although there is no additional information available for release at this time in this ongoing death investigation, anyone with information is asked to contact ISP DCI Zone 8 at (217)-342-7879 or William.sandusky@illinois.gov.
Good Luck Unlimited Trolls T-Shirt Example