As COVID-19 has reduced the element of choice for many of the students of District 529, adjustments have been made during this time to provide enhanced flexibility to students. The District currently has a fee for courses delivered online or through a hybrid delivery. The fee assessed is $35 per course. The Board repealed the Online/Hybrid Course Fee of $35 per course for hybrid delivery courses only for the Fall 2020 term. Current guidelines that allows a student to be dropped for non-payment was replaced with a guideline that assesses a 5% late fee on unpaid balances. This will allow a student with an unpaid balance to complete the current academic term.
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges approved a tentative budget and schedule for approval of the final 2021 Fiscal Year Budget, Tuesday, August 18, at the regular meeting, held at Olney Central College.
A public hearing on the budget will be held at the regular meeting, Tuesday, September 15, at Wabash Valley College. The final budget will be adopted following the public hearing. The budget has been available to the public at the IECC District Office since August 5th.
The Board approved the schedule of dates for the Trustee Election to be held April 6, 2021. The 6-year terms of Andrew Fischer, Jan Ridgely, and Barbara Shimer are up for reelection. All three trustees holding office are expected to seek reelection.
The Board will conduct a hearing in accordance with the State of Illinois’ Bond Issuance Notification Act on the District’s intent to issue Funding Bonds for the purpose of paying claims against the District. The Board approved the hearing to be held on September 15, 2020, at 7:00 o’clock P.M. The hearing will be held in the Red Café, Wabash Valley College, 2200 College Drive, Mt. Carmel, Illinois. The purpose of the hearing will be to receive public comments on the proposal to sell bonds of the District in the amount of $2,500,000 for the purpose of paying claims against the District.
A new policy on preventing sexual violence was approved to remain compliant with new Department of Education requirements with the intent of protecting the rights for both those reporting and those accused of sexual misconduct.
The Board approved a Resolution authorizing the issuance of Taxable General Obligation Community College Bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000.
Board members John Brooks and Jan Ridgely were appointed to the Board audit Committee. The committee is charged with oversight of the District’s annual audit.
The Board heard a detailed review of certain programs and services. This is part of a continual review process with a focus on quality, cost and need.
The Board approved a bid committee report for parking lot sealing and striping at Lincoln Trail College.
As a part of IECC’s commitment to provide a safe and crime free college environment, and in accordance with the Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008, the Board approved the Violence Prevention Plan and Emergency Response Plans for each college. These plans outline violence prevention strategies and outlines the protocol for response should a violent act occur.
Articulation agreements were approved with Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in the Radiography area. OCC’s Associate Degree in Applied Science Radiography graduates can more easily be accepted into SIU-C’s Bachelor Degrees in Radiation Therapy Technology, Radiologic Sciences MRI/CT Specialization, and in Radiology Education Management. These agreements aid in the smooth transition between IECC colleges and the universities.
The following personnel were employed:
Taylor Newlin as Manager of Food Services at Lincoln Trail College, effective August 17, 2020; Krystle Riggle as Coordinator of Financial Aid at Lincoln Trail College, effective August 26, 2020; Danelle Davis as Office Assistant at Lincoln Trail College, effective September 3, 2020; Taylor Held as TRIO Upward Bound Counselor located at Olney Central College, effective September 1, 2020; and Barbara White as Technology Support Specialist at the District Office, effective August 20, 2020.
A resignation was accepted for Leonard Mitchell as Workforce Education Instructor, effective August 13, 2020.
Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at Wabash Valley College, Mt. Carmel, on Tuesday, September 15, at 7 p.m.