REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 6, 2020 – 4:30 P.M
1) Call to order:
2) Approve minutes of previous meeting:
3) Commissioner’s reports:
4) Officer’s reports:
5) Old Business:
a. Bids for demolition of 407 N. Market Street property.
b. Consider a phone system proposal for the county, city and 911 building.
6) New Business:
a. Recommendation of the Wabash County Tourism Committee to help fund and promote the events during June and July replacing the annual Ag Days
b. Request for Resolution to place advisory question on November 3, 2020 ballot regarding Separation from Chicago.
7) Executive Session:
a. Litigation.
8) Correspondence:
9) Approval for payment of claims presented:
10) Adjournment:
This agenda is subject to change prior to the time of the meeting if necessary.
Dated this 2nd day of July, 2020.