Wabash Valley College’s 58th Commencement will be a virtual ceremony. The commencement has been pre-recorded and will be made available on Aug. 3 at 11 a.m. on the college’s YouTube channel, social media accounts and website.
There will be 254 Associate degrees and certificates awarded for 2020.
There also will be a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Franklin University awarded to Tegan Ann Henne.
The Invocation will be delivered by Tyger John Clodfelter, Student Senate Board Member. Tyger is receiving an Associate in Science Degree with a focus on Ag Business Economics. He is a graduate of Edwards County High School the son of Kenny and Terri Clodfelter of West Salem, Ill. In addition to serving on Student Senate, Tyger is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the Ag Technology Club and the Collegiate Farm Bureau. He was recognized as a recipient of the President’s Academic honor award. Tyger plans to transfer to Southern Illinois University of Carbondale to study Ag Business Economics.
Presenting the degree and certificate candidates to Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. G. Andrew Fischer will be Dr. Matt Fowler, President of Wabash Valley College. Trustee Fischer will confer the degrees and certificates to the graduates. Kyle Peach, WVC Broadcasting Director, will announce the graduates.
Jaylyn Wease, a Student Senate Board Member, will give the Student Response. Jaylyn is a graduate of Lawrenceville High School and is the daughter of Leroy and Terri Wease of Saint Francisville, Ill. She is receiving an Associate of Applied Science degree in Marketing Business Management. Jaylyn is a member of Student Senate, the Business Club and the Bowling Club.
She was the recipient of the Robert and Norma Bethards’ Scholarship and was named to the CEO’s, President’s and Dean’s Honors Lists. Jaylyn plans to transfer to Franklin University and major in Management
Graduates are invited to come to campus Aug. 5 and 6 to get their picture taken in their cap and gown. A photo backdrop will be set up in Main Hall 101 from 12 p.m. until 4 p.m. on Aug. 5 and from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Aug. 6. Graduates will be able to pick up their diploma during cap and gown photos.
Graduates are asked to contact Student Services (618-262-8641) to set up a time to have their picture taken and pick up their diploma. Graduates can call to set up a time starting Monday, Aug. 3. In order to pick up diplomas, graduates must present a valid student ID or driver’s license.
For students who do not want a photo, no reservation is needed; graduates not wanting a photo can simply come to Student Services and present a valid student ID or driver’s license to pick up their diplomas.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to honor our graduates in this unique time. For more information, please call (618) 263-5535 or (618) 262-8641.