Newkirk: MCHS Graduation Still On, Moves To Stadium

From MCHS Principal Jake Newkirk: We are pleased to announce the Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony is still on -- with a change of venue and time. After multiple Graduation Planning Committee meetings (consisting of admin, parents, teachers, 2020 graduates, an Alumni Assoc. member, and a community leader) we are going to hold the ceremony at Riverview Stadium, at 9:30 am, Saturday, August 1. This will allow for the intended goal of holding an in-person event while still being able to adhere to IDPH recommendations. The students will be socially distanced, in chairs, on the home sideline while guests are welcome to sit on the stadium. We ask that your family group distance from other family groups and wear a mask where this is not possible. Our estimates indicate that if each graduate's family limits its attendance to 4-6 people, we can successfully distance multiple groups of fifty on the stadium. We ask that spectators park upstairs while the graduates park downstairs, inside the gate. Additionally, spectators will not be allowed on or inside the the track and there will not be seating set up downstairs. We have set rain out times of 6:30 pm that same night and 6:30 pm the following day if it is raining all day Saturday. The graduates will receive additional details through their school email accounts. If you have specific questions, please direct them to Principal Newkirk, at