REGULAR MEETING Monday, May 18, 2020 – 4:30 P.M.
AGENDA - Amended
1) Call to order:
2) Approve minutes of previous meeting:
3) Commissioner’s reports:
4) Officer’s reports:
5) Old Business:
6) New Business:
a. University of Illinois Extension Service Annual Agreement.
b. Declare Surplus Property at 407 Market Street.
c. Bids for demolition of 407 Market Street.
7) Executive Session:
8) Correspondence:
9) Approval for payment of claims presented:
10) Adjournment:
This agenda is subject to change prior to the time of the meeting if necessary.
The meeting will be held upstairs in the Courtroom because of the COVID19 restrictions limiting distancing and number of attendees. The meeting will again be available through Zoom. Masks will be required if you attend in person. The number of people attending will be limited to 10.