School Board Tables Calendar After Concerns Raised

The Wabash District #348 school board has tabled approval of the 2020-21 school calendar after concerns were raised by the vice-president of the Wabash County Teachers Association. Betsy Ross appeared before the school board last night saying a poll of teachers revealed issues with the proposed school calendar. The concerns centered around the proposal calling for no school all of Thanksgiving week. The trade off for the two extra days off was that Christmas break wouldn’t begin until December 23rd and last until January 4th. Ross said a poll of teachers taken January 28th was overwhelmingly against the proposal dealing with a later and shorter Christmas Break…

Another point of contention was with the start and end of the school. The district’s proposed calendar had the first day of school on  August 10th and last day on May 19th. Ross said teachers would like to see the start of the next school year delayed a week until August 17th with a last day on May 26th. After an executive session, board president Tim Schuler announced adoption of the school calendar was being tabled until next month.