Chamber Names WADI 2020 Business of the Year

The Wabash County Chamber of Commerce is so pleased to announce the Business of the Year award for 2020 has been given to Wabash Area Development, Inc! "The staff at WADI always works so hard to help those in our community in need, but this year they have worked even more as the amount of people in need during the pandemic has increased." said Chamber Director, Lesley Hipsher.

Here is a copy of the nomination "I’d like to nominate WADI. Their liheap program, food pantry, head start, rental assistance and all of their many other programs have been an asset to our community for years, but they have been critical during covid, especially for low income families. Please help them get the recognition they deserve!"

And we couldn't agree more! Congratulations WADI. We are so proud of the work you do and your dedication to the community.

Jedidiah Wirth was presented with the Wabash County Retail Merchants Committee’s 2020 Employee of the Year award.  This is an award that is given to an employee of a member of the Wabash County Retail Mercahnts's Committee that continues to go above and beyond the call of their duties.  

Here is what the nomination letter reads:  “I would like to nominate Jedidiah Wirth for the RMC Employee of the Year.   Jedidiah exemplifies what Mt. Carmel and Wabash County needs more of…a young, energetic person who is eager to work for the betterment of our community.  When you visit Big Jon’s Lunch Box, you’ll always see Jedidiah hard at work with his family in the kitchen. It’s a job he’s held since he was very young and has become a friendly face for the community to see.  This past year, Jedidiah took over operation of the Farmer’s Market in Mt. Carmel and has worked to make it one of the area’s best. He was always there long before the market opened with a smile on his face—ready to help all the vendors and customers with anything they needed.  The move to the uptown location was a great idea as it attracted more vendors and customers benefiting the community. Jedidiah is a devoted family man and very active in his church. In closing, Jedidiah fulfills all of the attributes one would look for in an excellent employee and why he should be considered for the RMC Employee of the Year.”  

The Chamber also would like to Congratulate the Wabash County Farm Bureau for serving our community for 100 years! They are advocates that work closely with area farmers to help them with problems and solutions as well as education and opportunities. They service as a voice for farmers and a communication bride so farmers can work together in our community and they have served our agricultural community very well over the last 100 years!

"The Wabash County Farm Bureau is to farmers, what the Chamber is to businesses. It is a great support and information system for its members." says Chamber Directory, Lesley Hipsher.

Also, we would like to Congratulate WSJD 100.5 FM on 25 years in business this year. They are a go-to source for information and news in our community. The Chamber has partnered with them for years on many different projects. Here is to the next 25!

"We are so happy to honor these businesses this year, even without the Annual Banquet to go to. We would rather be safe than sorry this year and hope to keep all of our Chamber Members healthy and working in our community. We have BIG plans to honor these businesses again when we can safely do so." stated Chamber Director, Lesley Hipsher.

Business of the Year Award Lesley Hispher, Executive Director, Wabash County Chamber of Commerce Angie Payton, CSBG/WIOA Director, WADI Lena Hicks, CEO, WADI Gary Ritz, Chairman of Business of the Year Award & Chamber Board Member

Business of the Year Award
Lesley Hispher, Executive Director, Wabash County Chamber of Commerce
Angie Payton, CSBG/WIOA Director, WADI
Lena Hicks, CEO, WADI
Gary Ritz, Chairman of Business of the Year Award & Chamber Board Member

25 year Milestone AnniversaryRodger Beard, Sales & Morning Show Co-Host, WSJD 100.5 FMKevin Madden, General Manager, WSJD 100.5 FMSharon Harris, General Sales Manager, WSJD 100.5 FMLesley Hispher, Executive Director, Wabash County Chamber of Com…

25 year Milestone Anniversary

Rodger Beard, Sales & Morning Show Co-Host, WSJD 100.5 FM

Kevin Madden, General Manager, WSJD 100.5 FM

Sharon Harris, General Sales Manager, WSJD 100.5 FM

Lesley Hispher, Executive Director, Wabash County Chamber of Commerce  

RMC’s Sharon Harris with Employee of the Year Jedidiah Wirth

RMC’s Sharon Harris with Employee of the Year Jedidiah Wirth