City Council Approves Brush Route Changes

A change is coming next month in the days the city’s brush route runs in Mt. Carmel. The city council last night voted to move the brush pickup days to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday beginning the week of February 10th.

The move comes after Art Kimmel, who mans the brush route, recommended the change saying it would cut down on the time spent on the routes which have been running on the same day as trash pick up. Kimmel displayed a color-coded map outlining the areas of the city and where the brush routes would run on the specific days. He said by not running the routes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, crews would be able to play catch-up in the event of storm damage.  

Another change approved last night was the elimination of the brush route running in alleys. When he initially made the proposal two weeks ago, Kimmel said doing away with brush pick up in alleys would be more time efficient and do away with driving the truck and chipper through narrow alleys.

Kimmel said a specific route will be released in the next couple of days.
