Mt. Carmel & Keensburg Reach Tentative Deal For Fire Protection

A tentative agreement has been reached between the city of Mt. Carmel and the Greater Wabash Fire Protection District, more commonly known as the Keensburg Fire Department. At Monday’s city council meeting, City Clerk Rudy Witsman said officials with the Greater Wabash Fire Protection District recently contacted former fire commissioner Rod Rodriguez and Mt. Carmel fire chief Francis Speth about possibly combining their district with the Mt. Carmel Fire Department, which already covers a section of their territory adjacent to city limits. Witsman outlined some of the highlights of the tentative agreement…

The tax money generated by the fire district’s tax levy will be divided between the fire district and city of Mt. Carmel Fire Department to help offset expenses. According to Witsman, the fire district trucks and equipment will continued to be housed in the current fire station in Keensburg and village government there will continue to hold its’ meetings in the fire station. City Attorney Kelli Storckman is working on the final agreement which will be presented to the city council and fire district trustees in the near future.