State Senator Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) spoke out against the Democrat-backed proposal to change Illinois’ flat tax rate to a graduated tax structure, which would cost taxpayers 3.4 billion dollars.
“This proposal to overhaul Illinois’ current flat tax for a graduated tax system places a costly multi-billion dollar tax increase on the doorsteps of taxpayers across the state,” said Righter. “Contrary to what my Democrat colleagues are saying, a graduated tax system doesn’t provide long-term, sustainable relief. It is a short-term solution that carries a costly 3.4 billion dollar price tag—which unfortunately will only increase as the majority party continues to go unchecked.”
Senate Joint Constitutional Amendment (SJRCA) 1 would place a referendum on the 2020 General Election ballot asking voters if they support moving Illinois from a flat tax to a graduated tax structure. Accompanying the amendment was Senate Bill 687, which puts forth rates tied to the passage of SJRCA 1.
‘What we know to be true when considering state’s operating under a graduated tax system is that raising taxes becomes easier under such a structure. Look at what’s happened across the country in the past 20 years—in states with graduated tax systems. There have been 24 occasions in which taxes have gone up and the income threshold for the highest tax rate has been dropped to under 100,000 dollars. Meanwhile, in states with a flat tax system, taxes have been reduced 21 times,” said Righter. “This example only demonstrates that we’re headed down a dangerous path, where Democrat lawmakers can manipulate a graduated tax structure, increase taxes and take more from taxpayers’ pockets to fix Illinois’ problems rather than addressing the fundamental issues of irresponsible and out-of-control spending.”
SJRCA 1 passed by a vote of 40 to 19 and Senate Bill 687 passed by a vote of 36 to 22. Both measures will now advance to the House of Representatives for further consideration.