The 57th Commencement at Wabash Valley College will be Friday, May 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Spencer Sports Center.
There will be 237 Associate degrees and certificates awarded for 2019. There also will be a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Marketing and a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Franklin University awarded to Zachery Andrew Liberman.
A Prelude of music by Marcia Woodcock, pianist, will be provided prior to the Processional. Marcia Woodcock, pianist, and Bill Hudson, trumpeter, will provide the music for the Processional and Recessional. Performing the National Anthem will be Lauryn Nicole Wright. Lauryn is receiving an Associate in Science Degree and is graduating with High Honors. She is the daughter of Mark and Kristi Wright and is a graduate of Mt. Carmel High School. Lauryn is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and has been named to the CEO’s Honors List. She plans to transfer to Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and major in Speech-Language Pathology. The Invocation will be delivered by McKenna Alouise Zimmerman, Student Senate Board Member. McKenna is receiving an Associate in Science Degree and is graduating with High Honors. She is the daughter of Susan and Mark Zimmerman and is a graduate of Mt. Carmel High School. In addition to serving on Student Senate, McKenna is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and T.O.Y. Club. She was named to the CEO’s Honors List. McKenna plans to transfer to Illinois State University and major in Special Education.
Presenting the degree and certificate candidates to Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. G. Andrew Fischer, will be Dr. Matt Fowler, President of Wabash Valley College. Trustee Fischer will confer the degrees and certificates to the graduates. Kyle Peach, Radio-TV Broadcasting instructor, will announce the graduates.
The Charge to the Class will be given by Al Henager, IECC Community Colleges Board of Trustees Member, with the Response by Lindi Shae Roesch, Student Senate Board Member. Lindi, a graduate of Gibson Southern High School, is the daughter of Adam and Shannon Roesch of Owensville, IN. She is receiving an Associate in Science Degree and is graduating with Honors. Lindi is a member of Health Professionals Club, Pantry Coordinator of F.R.E.S.H., Phi Theta Kappa, and Cheerleading. She was the recipient of the Student Athlete Academic Award, Outstanding Leadership Award from Student Senate, and was named to the CEO’s Honors List. Lindi plans to transfer to Murray State University and major in Nutrition and Dietetics in Applied Health Sciences.
Included on the program will be recognition of Outstanding Transfer (Richard D. Poskin) and Outstanding Career and Technical (Judith Ann Hudson) faculty members by Robert Conn, Dean of Instruction, and presentation of the Outstanding Transfer Student Scholarship recipient, Breanna Marie Dudley, and the Outstanding Career and Technical Student Scholarship recipient, Natalin Dawn Aumiller. These scholarship recipients will serve as Honor Marshals who will lead the graduates in the Processional. Dean Robert Conn will also recognize Susan Hudson Zimmerman as “Outstanding Adjunct Instructor of the Year.”
Karin Hodgson, President of the Wabash Valley College Foundation, and Cassandra Goldman, WVC Foundation Scholarship Chairman, will present the Foundation Scholarships.
A Reception, hosted by the Wabash Valley College Foundation, will be held in honor of the graduates in the Red Café in the David L. Hart Student Center immediately following the Commencement. All parents and friends are invited to attend the Commencement and Reception.