Relive your memories of Christmas past, create new memories for Christmas future, and all the while revel in the excitement of Christmas present during the 12th edition of Mt. Carmel’s “Christmas Uptown - It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas”.
Set to take over two blocks of Market Street on Friday, December 6th, from 4pm to 9pm, festival goers can enjoy 3 Scenic Carriage Rides, 2 North Pole Express Trains and Rudolph Rides on 7 of the cutest ponies you’ve ever seen, all free!
Also part of this family event is a snowy Winter Wonderland play area for the little ones, a “create your own treat” opportunity at the S’Mores Making Station (new this year), a chance to relive everyone’s favorite narratives of Christmas at Storytime with Mrs. Claus in Merchants Park on the Harris Insurance Group Pavilion, and even talk to Santa himself in his Mt. Carmel home! Again, there is no charge for these activities, thanks to the dozens of community minded sponsors and volunteers.
Maybe you’ll want to vote for the best entries in the Gingerbread House competition inside the Wabash County Museum. You can even enter your own creation, just visit our Facebook page for guidelines and a link to the entry form.
Inside the Wabash Senior Center you can decorate your own cookie for just a $1 donation. Parents, let the younger folks burn off some energy at Buddy’s Cotton-Headed Ninny-Muggins Snowball Fight, and take advantage of the multiple Character or Family Photo Ops. Free Festive Face-Painting is always a hit, as is a visit to Veteran’s Park to view the City of Mt. Carmel Christmas Tree.
Throughout the entire evening we’ll bring you both the old and the new Sounds of Christmas on Christmas Uptown Radio. Of course, you’ll no doubt be hungry. Our vendors will be offering Sweets & Treats as well as fantastic festival food choices to satisfy almost every taste. Soups, Sandwiches, Gumbo, Chicken & Dumplings, BBQ, Pizza, Drinks and more are just a sampling of the menu, along with candy, cookies, popcorn, caramel apples and more.
For even more fun, be sure to shop the Market Street Retailers, many offering snacks, refreshments and really fantastic Christmas sales on the items you need to complete your Christmas shopping list.
And just one request we would make of you, please consider bringing a donation of a new toy, canned food item or cash, all to be donated to Operation Share, helping to create a better Christmas for many children and families in Wabash County for nearly 40 years. Just drop off those donations at the collection area next to the North Pole Info Center, where you will also find the festival brochure/map along with entry forms for the Sights & Sounds of Christmas Home Decorating contest. You can find more information on our Facebook page, “Christmas Uptown Mt. Carmel”, or call either 618-263-8405 or 618-263-8591. File Photo