Upcoming Programs at Beall Woods State Park

Silent Fliers

Friday, June 22nd, 9am-11am

Owls are amazing nocturnal birds of prey. Learn why owls are classified as birds of prey, which species are common to our area, what types of prey make up their diet, why they regurgitate pellets, and discover facts about their unique abilities and senses. Participants will dissect an owl pellet. This program is designed for children ages 8 to 12. Please meet at the park's Visitor Center.

Pond Life

Friday, June 29th, 9am-11am

Grab your rubber boots and get ready to find some interesting looking aquatic creatures. We will be in search of macroinvertebrates (invertebrates that can be seen with the naked eye). Learn where each species fits into the feeding relationships in a pond habitat and which are considered indicator species.This program is designed for children ages 8 to 12. Please meet at the park's Visitor Center.

Leaf Litter Critters

Saturdays, June 23rd and 30th, 9 - 11am

This is a two part program. On Saturday the 23rd, we will be in search of leaf litter critters. Participants will be collecting leaf litter samples and learning how to use a Berlese funnel. On Saturday the 30th, dissecting scopes will reveal how many different types of organisms were buried under the leaves. Participants will  record species diversity and abundance for each collection site. Please register by June 16th if you plan to attend. Participants should be over the age of 10. For more information or to register, call 618-298-2441.

