Illinois High School Boys Basketball Tournament Returning To Champaign

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors met for its regularly scheduled board meeting via a video conference call on Monday, June 15, 2020, where the Board issued a joint resolution:

“Black Lives Matter. The IHSA Board of Directors wholeheartedly believes in this statement, and vows to work together to better educate ourselves, our students, and the IHSA membership on how we can support those impacted by racism and injustice. We will continue to have dialogue on ways we can elevate this message among IHSA students, coaches and officials, while further incorporating Black Lives Matter and equity for all students into the IHSA’s mission and belief statements.”

The Board went on to approve State Final hosting contracts for the IHSA Boys and Girls Basketball State Finals, as well as the Chess and Scholastic Bowl state tournaments.

“We want the State Final experience to feel like the Super Bowl of every IHSA sport and activity,” said IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson. “We feel very very lucky that these amazing communities are interested in supporting our high schools, while putting forth the time and resources necessary to make sure the students, coaches, fans and officials enjoy a first-class experience. We are truly appreciative of everyone that submitted a bid to host and look forward to working with all of them moving forward.”

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) announced on June 15, 2020 that the IHSA Boys Basketball State Finals, known to fans throughout the Land of Lincoln as America’s Original March Madness, will return to the campus of the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana beginning with the 2021 state tournament. The event was previously held in Champaign-Urbana from 1919 to 1995. The Peoria Civic Center, which has hosted the boys state tournament since 1996, also submitted a bid to continuing hosting.

“We see this as the passing of the torch from Peoria to Champaign-Urbana,” said IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson. “It is bittersweet because there is incredible passion for high school basketball within these two communities, and both have done so much to elevate the state final experience as hosts. The State Farm Center is one of the best arenas in the country, and we are excited to crown state champions there once again. The timing simply felt right to make a change as the tournament format shifts in 2021.”

The state final hosting bid was a joint proposal from the University of Illinois, the Fighting Illini Athletic Department, State Farm Center, Visit Champaign County, and the Champaign-Urbana communities. The proposal is a three-year bid encompassing the 2021 (March 11-13), 2022 (March 10-12) and 2023 (March 9-11) state tournaments.

“We are thrilled with today’s news that the Illinois high school boys basketball state finals will return home to the campus of the University of Illinois,” said Illinois Director of Athletics Josh Whitman. “We are grateful to the IHSA and its leadership for choosing State Farm Center and Champaign-Urbana to host the state finals. We are humbled by their confidence in our community, which I know will come together to provide the players, families, and fans of the state’s best teams a once-in-a-lifetime experience. My thanks to the many people and organizations locally who collaborated on a compelling bid and proposal. We look forward to showcasing the state’s flagship university, celebrating the many virtues of Champaign-Urbana, and maximizing the full spectrum of amenities in State Farm Center to visitors from all across Illinois. The relationship between the IHSA and the University of Illinois extends back more than 100 years, and we are excited to continue this longstanding, positive partnership many years into the future.”

Among the many highlights, the bid includes interactive fan elements around the arena, city and campus marketing initiatives, a special in-arena area for parents with children, and 13 local hotels locking in three-year prices for fans below rack rate. The IHSA’s Wheelchair Basketball State Tournament and Special Olympics Illinois Unified Basketball Tournament will continue to be held in conjunction with the state tournament in Champaign-Urbana as well.

“We are ecstatic to welcome the IHSA Boys State Basketball Tournament back to its original home at the University of Illinois,” said Jayne DeLuce, President & CEO of Visit Champaign County. “Our community has evolved into a much broader vision incorporating sports, education, technology, and a place of diverse culture that will provide incredible experiences for all involved. We are ready to embrace a new tradition of welcoming teams, families, fans, officials, and media for the experience of a lifetime.”

The State Farm Center is fresh off a $170 million dollar state-of-the-art renovation that was completed in 2016. The building has also been home to IHSA Individual Wrestling State Finals each winter since 1973.

“The Illinois boys basketball state tournament is back where it belongs, right here at State Farm Center,” said Kevin Ullestad, UI Senior Associate Director of Athletics, State Farm Center Director. “Our building will provide the most memorable experience for all the teams and fans who attend this outstanding event every year. After talking with many of the former high school stars who played in the building during the state finals it was clear that playing in the state’s premier basketball facility left a lifetime memory.”

The State Tournament has recently been held over the course of two weekends, but will begin a new format in 2021 that features all four classes being played over the course of three days, culminating with four state championships games on Saturday.

“It’s difficult to express how grateful we are to the city of Peoria, the Civic Center, the surrounding communities,  and the army of volunteers who have so vigorously supported the state tournament for a quarter of a century in Peoria,” Anderson. “We understand there may be some initial disappointment, but ultimately, we hope they are as proud as we are for overseeing one of the most decorated eras in IHSA basketball with class, grace, and innovation. We love Peoria and look forward to the numerous IHSA events we will continue to conduct there.”

The IHSA will be contacting current state final season ticket holders in the near future to work with them on seating at the State Farm Center. Individuals interested in becoming new state final season ticket holders can submit their info online at The University of Illinois ticket office will follow-up with anyone who submits a season ticket inquiry form in the near future to let them know available seating, pricing and more.

Since the first IHSA Boys Basketball State Final Tournament was held at the YMCA in Oak Park in 1908, just six different communities (Bloomington, Decatur, Springfield, Peoria) have hosted the event. Champaign-Urbana has hosted more than any other community, as 77 IHSA seasons have culminated there. That history includes the community’s first hosting opportunity when the state finals were held in the University’s Men’s Gym Annex (now Kenney Gym) in 1919. It remained there until being moved to Huff Hall in 1926, and then found a home at Assembly Hall (now State Farm Center) from 1963 to 1995.

“IHSA basketball has deep roots and a celebrated history on the University of Illinois campus and within the Champaign-Urbana community,” said Anderson. “It’s almost indescribable when you think of all the iconic players and coaches who were a part of the state tournament here. Names like Johnny Orr, Quinn Buckner, Jack Sikma, Isiah Thomas, The Three Amigos (Donnie Boyce, Sherell Ford, Michael Finley), Deon Thomas, Dick Corn, Bruce Douglas, Sonny Cox, Gordie Kerkman, Ronnie Fields, Gene Pingatore, Jay Shidler and Flying Illini like Kendall Gill, Nick Anderson and Marcus Liberty. I could probably name 100 more. We look forward to celebrating that history, and making new memories as America’s Original March Madness returns to Champaign-Urbana and the University of Illinois.”

The IHSA Girls Basketball state finals will remain at Redbird Arena on the campus of Illinois State University (ISU) in Bloomington-Normal for the next three seasons.

“We are excited to continue to serve as the host for the IHSA Girls Basketball State Championships,” said ISU Director of Athletics Larry Lyons said. “Illinois State University and Illinois State Athletics have long valued their great partnership with the IHSA, and we take great pride in hosting this Championship. It’s an honor for us welcome the athletes, their families and spectators to campus and the Bloomington/Normal community each year and provide them with a first-class championship experience at Redbird Arena.”

The state final bid, which encompasses three seasons at the newly refurbished arena, was a joint proposal by Illinois State University, Redbird Athletics, the Bloomington-Normal Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (BNACVB), and the Bloomington-Normal communities.

“We’re honored to be awarded the IHSA Girls Basketball State Finals,” said Crystal Howard, President/CEO for the BNACVB. “We are thankful for the relationship we have with the IHSA, and are appreciative of the faith they have in our organization and our community as an ideal host for their events.” 

Redbird Arena has served as the host of the IHSA Girls Basketball State Finals since 1992, and has also hosted the IHSA Girls Volleyball State Finals since 1990.

Director of Sports and Market Development for the BNACVB, Matt Hawkins, adds, “Bloomington-Normal is very experienced in hosting IHSA state finals events, and we recognize the prestige in hosting the Girls Basketball State Finals through a competitive bid process. You will not find a better venue in the state of Illinois to host this tournament, and we look forward to welcoming the teams and their fans to our community."

The IHSA Scholastic Bowl Tournament will get a change of scenery in 2021, as the tourney will move to Heartland Community College in Normal for at least three years. Heartland is the current host of the IHSA Journalism State Finals, a role it began in 2019. Scholastic Bowl was previously held at the Peoria Civic Center since 1997.

The Peoria Civic Center has been the home of the IHSA Chess State Finals since 2001, and will continue to house what is believed to be the largest team chess tournament in the world through 2023 following the three-year extension.

1. The Board approved a recommendation on Stage 2 Return To Play Guidelines developed by the IHSA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC). The Stage 2 Guidelines build on the initial conditioning and acclimatization guidelines developed by the IHSA SMAC that were approved by the Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) earlier this month. The Stage 2 Guidelines aim to align with Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois plan that could go into effect statewide in late June and early July. The Stage 2 Guidelines have been sent to IDPH for review and feedback, and will be shared in a draft form with member schools for planning purposes on June 16.

2. The Board voted to allow 20 Contact Days and eliminate the no contact “dead period” that was scheduled from August 3-9 in 2020. Contact days have not yet been reinstated for IHSA member schools, but could be as a part of the Stage 2 Return To Play Guidelines (see #1 above) that could potentially go into effect statewide in late June and early July.

3. The Board approved a recommendation to begin an Individual Girls Wrestling State Series beginning in the 2021-22 school year.
IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson:
“I commend the Board on their vision to further the IHSA mission by continuing to seek out more participation opportunities for high school students in Illinois. Participation in high school girls wrestling has grown significantly over the past few years, and we expect this announcement will only help increase that momentum here in Illinois. Our staff will use the lead time in the 2020-21 school year to best decide how the IHSA Girls Wrestling State Series fits within the current wrestling state series structure, including the dates and locations of each level of the tournament.”

2. The Board reviewed the IHSA sports and activities that currently fall below the participation threshold per the terms of IHSA Policy 14 and voted to continuing to conduct them in 2020-21.

3. The Board approved a recommendation to waive IHSA By-laws 3.022 and 4.022, as the semester eligibility requirements at many schools have been complicated as a result of different e-learning and grading structures due to CVOID-19.

Minutes from all Advisory Committees can be viewed by clicking here.

1. The Board approved the consent items, from the Advisory Committees in the following sports & activities: Boys & Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Bowling, Competitive Cheerleading, Competitive Dance, Boys & Girls Gymnastics, Boys & Girls Soccer, Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving, Wrestling, Athletes with Disabilities, Chess, Journalism, Music/Solo Ensemble, Music Organization, Athletic Officials, Scholastic Bowl, Speech-Debate, Speech-Individual Events, Drama & Group Interpretation, Sportsmanship, Sports Medicine, Student Advisory Committee, Athletic Administrators and Activities Director.

Consent items are recommendations that received approval from the sport/activity advisory committee, the Athletic Administrators Advisory Committee and the IHSA staff. Consent items can be viewed by clicking here.

No non-consent items were approved.

Some consent items of note include:
1. Eliminates the use of props in a competitive routine. Only crowd leading signs, poms, school flags/banners may be used in a safe manner.

1. The IHSA will develop a specific training curriculum and licensing option for volleyball line judges.

No appeals.

At each meeting of the Board of Directors, there are certain items the Board discusses, but upon which no action is taken. The following is a report of those items from the June 15, 2020, agenda:

1. The Board discussed whether it should waive or maintain IHSA By-law 2.150 requiring Physical Examinations for student-athletes in 2020-21. There was consideration for waiving the rule due to COVID-19, however, the IHSA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee recommends that it continue to be implemented.

2. The Board heard a report on a Policy being developed by the IHSA Sportsmanship Advisory Committee to address hate speech and harassment within IHSA contests. The group hopes to bring the completed policy to the Board for review and a vote in the coming months.

3. The Board heard a report from IHSA Assistant Executive Director Stacey Lambert on concussion reporting numbers as documented by IHSA Officials and ATCs from contests via Special Reports during the 2019-20 school year. A full summary of the data will be posted soon.

4. The Board heard a report on the Virtual Summer Meeting that the NFHS will hold June 28-July 2.

5. The Board heard a report on the by-laws changes voted on by member schools that will go into effect on July 1. To see all changes, click here.

6. The Board discussed the IHSA budget for the 2020-21 school year and potential options based on the impact of COVID-19.

7. The Board discussed if spring sports teams could still potentially play games in July. The Board had not approved an exemption to the season limitation by-law and will not do so at this juncture given the limitations of Phase 3 and Phase 4, coupled with returning students already participating in the IHSA Stage 1 Return To Play Guidelines. Schools may still choose to gather to honor seniors within Phase 3 guidelines, but no contests may be played with or against other schools.


Live Sports Return To WSJD This Sunday With The Real Heroes 400 From Darlington

As NASCAR returns to the racetrack for the first time in more than two months, the sport will honor frontline healthcare workers in The Real Heroes 400 at Darlington Raceway on Sunday, May 17 at , 1:30 p.m. on WSJD-FM 100.5 &

The special NASCAR Cup Series race entitlement at Darlington Raceway follows the launch of The Real Heroes Project, a collaborative initiative by 14 sports leagues including NASCAR to recognize and pay tribute to medical professionals serving on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19.

"As the coronavirus challenges our country in unprecedented ways, the frontline healthcare workers – the nurses, paramedics, emergency physicians and many others – continue to inspire us with their strength and bravery in caring for their fellow Americans," said Jill Gregory, NASCAR executive vice president and chief marketing and content officer. "These men and women are the real heroes and the NASCAR industry is incredibly proud to honor their selflessness and service as we return to racing on Sunday."

Through a collaboration with NASCAR, FOX Sports and the race teams, each driver’s name will be replaced above the driver-side window with the name of an individual healthcare worker currently battling the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, The Real Heroes Project logo will be displayed on the side panel of each racecar.

The healthcare workers honored on the cars, selected in part by local FOX affiliates from cities across the country, will serve as grand marshals for The Real Heroes 400 and appear in an on-air mosaic to simultaneously give the command for drivers to start their engines for the race.

"Real heroes" from the state of South Carolina include healthcare workers from St. Francis Downtown hospital in Greenville S.C., and McLeod Regional Medical Center in Florence, S.C., located just south of Darlington Raceway.

The sports leagues behind the Real Heroes Project launched a public service announcement on May 6 that featured some of the biggest names in sports including a pair of NASCAR Cup Series champions in Joe Gibbs Racing driver Kyle Busch and Stewart-Haas Racing driver Kevin Harvick. The PSA features more than 30 athletes sharing personal thank-you messages with their healthcare heroes and replacing the names on their own jerseys and uniforms with the names of individual medical professionals.

The campaign encourages sports fans to pay tribute to the frontline healthcare workers in their lives on social media using #TheRealHeroes.

As NASCAR resumes the 2020 race season on Sunday, The Real Heroes 400 will be the first of three national series races at Darlington Raceway in the span of four days – all taking place without fans in attendance. The NASCAR Xfinity Series will return to action on Tuesday, May 19 (6:30 p.m. on WSJD), followed by the second NASCAR Cup Series race at Darlington on Wednesday, May 20 (5:30 p.m. ET on WSJD).


#WeAreInThisTogether: IHSA Campaign Celebrates the Conclusion of School Year

The IHSA is embarking on a three-day social media campaign from May 14-16 to celebrate the end of the 2019-20 school year amidst the significant impact COVID-19 has placed on Illinois High School Association teams and students. Despite challenges, COUNTRY Financial, an official corporate sponsor, recognizes the commitments of each school community throughout the entire year and is pleased to assist the IHSA in making sure those efforts do not go unnoticed.

Utilizing the slogan #WeAreInThisTogether, the campaign aims to unify participants statewide via recognition of student-athletes, educators, and the senior class of 2020.

“This is a time of year to celebrate, even among these extraordinary circumstances,” said IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson. “We want to come together as a statewide high school community to let each of these groups know that we recognize their efforts and accomplishments. No matter what happens, we are in this together.”

Each of the three days will have its own theme aimed at recognizing athletes, educators, and finally, the seniors in the class of 2020:

America’s Original March Madness came to a sudden conclusion this year, as the 2020 IHSA Boys Basketball State Finals were unable to be played, and the IHSA’s spring sports eventually suffered the same fate. We encourage all high school teams, coaches, parents, fans, and athletes to post pictures and share memories from their high school sports experiences on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In addition, the IHSA will recognize the eight schools (Aurora Christian, Goreville, Madison, Roanoke-Benson, Breese Mater Dei, Chicago Orr, Timothy Christian, and Sacred Heart-Griffin) who qualified for the 2020 COUNTRY Financial IHSA Boys Basketball Class 1A and Class 2A State Finals.

Educators around the state have gone the extra mile in working with their students digitally over the past two months. On Friday night, when over 400 IHSA schools are expected to turn on the lights at their schools and athletic complexes for the “Lights for the Fight” initiative, we are asking students and community members to brighten social media with their own thanks to all the teachers and coaches who have helped light their path. Lights For The Fight is about honoring first responders and essential workers, so we encourage recognition for those brave individuals, who like educators, are inspiring in their efforts to put others first.

The IHSA was scheduled to crown its first state champions of the spring on May 16th, a celebration of achievement that would have repeated each Saturday through mid-June. The culmination of a high school season is extra special for our seniors, as they leave their leadership and legacy behind to their underclass teammates. Senior student-athletes are encouraged to post a picture of themselves on social media in their uniform, favorite school apparel, or the IHSA Student Advisory Committee’s Salute to Seniors shirts. We hope communities at large will post on social media in support of their seniors, recalling their favorite memories and the impact they have had during their four years.

Over the course of the three days, the IHSA encourages anyone posting on social media to use the hashtags #WeAreInThisTogether and #IHSA, so we can find and share your stories.

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Staying close to home proved to be best decision for Eryn Gould

From UE Athletics:

There is an old adage that says it is not how you start, it is how you finish.  That is definitely true with Purple Aces softball player Eryn Gould.  Her athletic abilities took some time to evolve, but once she hit her stride, things really came together.
In her final season at Mt. Carmel High School in Mt. Carmel, Ill., Gould batted .612 while slugging 1.403 on her way to a spot on the 2017 Illinois Coaches Association Softball Class 2A All-State First Team.  While you would expect someone with those numbers and accolades to have a slew of college offers, Gould had just two options – the University of Evansville and Wabash Valley College.
"My abilities did not really blossom until late in my high school career – I really found my work ethic and put it together," Gould explained.  "Evansville was my top choice and I was probably after Coach (Mat) Mundell more than anything.  I really worked hard, went to camps and emailed as much as I was permitted.  When I finally received the offer, I called Coach back and accepted just a few minutes later after talking to my parents."
Staying close to home was important to Gould, who enjoys the support of her family.  Their encouragement made a true difference in her career, especially in assisting her with practicing on a year-round basis. 
"During the offseason before my freshman year, I really concentrated on bulking up and getting stronger with intense weight lifting," Gould said in regards to her training.  "My parents love throwing batting practice to me.  There is an old mushroom plant that we used with a nice net and batting cage.  There were rafters right above the top of the net; sometimes balls would ricochet and hit my parents, but they took it pretty well!"
Entering her first season in college, Gould knew what was ahead.  She had a full understanding that the speed of the game would be much faster and that she would need to make adjustments to be successful at the next level.  All of her hard work paid off during her first fall season.  Facing Indiana University in her first action of the fall, she started at catcher and helped her team take a 2-0 win.  She credits that experience with preparing her for the regular season.
"That experience was intense, but it was good to see how fast the game was," Gould recalled.  "I worked even harder leading up to the regular season and knew what I had to do."
Knowing what you have to do, then actually being able to do it are usually two totally different things.  Not for Gould.  All of her hard work paid off with one of the best freshman season the University of Evansville softball program has ever seen.  She batted .377 on the season while posting 13 doubles, 28 runs, 4 home runs and 17 RBI.  All of those around the Missouri Valley Conference who did not realize the abilities that Gould had were certainly aware now.  She was rewarded by being named the conference Freshman of the Year while garnering All-MVC First Team accolades.
"That meant the whole world – I only had two offers out of high school so I always played with a chip on my shoulder," Gould exclaimed.  "Evansville was always my first choice no matter what, but I wanted to show the coaches in the MVC who did not offer me what they were missing out on.  When I found out about the Freshman of the Year award, I was sitting at home and Coach Mundell called me with the news.  I thanked him and went to my parents' room and was overcome with emotion, it meant so much."
"I do not think my parents have missed a single game that I have played.  One of them or both is at each one, home or away.  My brother just graduated high school, so they worked to split everything up so at least one of them was there for each of us."
Gould's sophomore season culminated in another spot on the All-MVC First Team and excitement was very high coming into her third campaign with the Aces.  One of eight juniors on the squad, she feels like their chemistry was really coming together and that they were evolving into team leaders.  The season got off to a nice start with UE defeating Miami Ohio and Louisiana Tech, both coming off of conference championships.  In the final weekend of non-conference play, the Aces knocked off Big Ten foe Illinois by a 9-1 final before shutting out Purdue Fort Wayne, 11-0, in the home opener.  Then things changed.
"Honestly – I truly believed this was going to be our season.  I do not know what it was.  Every year we have had good chemistry – my class was always very young.  We were a large class, us maturing as players and leaders helped," Gould said.  "Our bats were really coming alive and we were preparing to open conference play.  At our final practice, things just had an eerie feeling.  We were all expecting something to happen.  It was just a tense day, but our team scrimmaged and did our best to have fun."
Unfortunately for Gould and her team, the announcement they were expecting finally came.  The remainder of their season was cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic. 
"We had weights after practice and the coaches hung around.  I had a dentist appointment back home, so I left campus right away," she explained.  "I did not learn of the news until I was in the waiting room at the dentist.  I was tearing up as the dentist and the technician asked me about it."
At the time, there were so many unknowns but Gould has worked to adjust to the situation just as everyone else has.  Usually having access to the facilities that UE offers on campus, Gould and her teammates had to do their best to maintain their workouts the best they can.
"It has been weird doing some modified home workouts.  Our strength coach – Fernando (Garcia-Villegas) gave us some ideas such as filling up backpacks and using them as dumbbells while doing other exercises like lunges and squats," Gould added.  "I have been doing a ton of running around the house.  With schoolwork, we have all adjusted to the online lectures."
In May, UE was scheduled to host the conference championship.  While scheduling is still ongoing, there is a chance that Cooper Stadium will be the site of the 2021 tournament.  Gould says that would give her team extra motivation moving forward.
"I think next year we are going to have amazing team chemistry – hopefully we will be as good and better than we were this year," Gould said.  "I cannot think of a better way to finish next season – winning an MVC championship at Cooper Stadium."

Eryn Gould

Eryn Gould

State Lays Out Guidelines For Golfing To Reopen May 1st In Illinois


With the precautions and operational restrictions outlined below, golf shall be permitted as a recreational activity, effective 6:00AM, May 1st, 2020. In addition to the general social distancing standards set forth in the Stay at Home Order, golf courses and golfers need to abide by the following controls.

Golf Clubs and Management restrictions:

• Require online or telephone bookings

• Players shall be grouped in twosomes.

• 15 minutes between tee-times:

o Average tee-times are roughly 12 minutes apart. Spreading out bookings would ensure people do not congregate at tee boxes.

o Spacing out the tee times would also limit the number of people at the golf course.

• Signage describing operational changes including: no congregating, increased frequency of cleaning, no handshakes, and maintain social distancing between players

• No practice ranges, chipping greens, or putting greens to limit large gatherings of individuals.

• No golf carts may be used on course (either owned by golf club or privately owned), except individuals with a physical disability or physical limitations that prevent them from walking the course may rent a cart from the golf club.

• Only privately-owned pull carts may be utilized, rental of pull carts from the course will not be allowed

• Elevate the “bottom” of the cup:

o This can be done by placing the cup upside down so that the new bottom is roughly an inch below the lip of the hole. Golfers could retrieve their ball without having to put their hand in the bottom of the regular cup.

o Alternatively, place Styrofoam in the bottom of the cup

• Flags cannot be removed from the cup

• Clubhouses, halfway houses, and proshops shall remain closed.

• Prohibit beverage and snack carts

• Courses shall operate at a minimum basic operations level of staff to limit customer and staff contact; i.e. “starter”, “course manager”, “maintenance crew”, “kitchen staff to prepare to-go only food service.” 217.782.7500 Springfield | 312.814.7179 Chicago | 217.782.7500 Springfield | 312.814.7179 Chicago |

• Remove drinking water jugs and prohibit use of water fountains that are permanently affixed with signage

• Elimination of on-course and practice facility touchpoints (i.e. bag drop, benches, ball washes, bunker/sand trap rakes, rental equipment, and water coolers)

• Hand sanitizer and soap in all restrooms, including those on the course o Restrooms shall be sanitized regularly

• No indoor events or outside tournaments

• Restaurants can remain open for takeout only; all tables and chairs removed or flipped upside down to prohibit use

• Indoor facilities may be open for minimal operations for use by golf course workers to facilitate the outdoor recreation footprint and activity

Player Restrictions:

• Any players with any symptoms of COVID-19, should not play

• In addition, any players from a household with someone with symptoms of COVID-19 should not play

• Golfers must walk and carry own clubs; no caddies.

• Bring your own supply of balls, tees, ball markers, and any other equipment needed to play golf.

• Insist on social distancing on tees, greens, and throughout the round

• Players shall maintain adequate physical distancing between other twosomes.

• Golfers should pick up their own ball

• Handle your own scorecard

• Bring your own water/sports drink, towel, and snack

• Do not use the public drinking fountain or ball cleaner

• Leave the flag in place while putting

• Sort out the sand in the bunker with a club

• Put on your golf shoes at your vehicle

• Bring hand sanitizer with you and use during your round and at the end

• No handshakes at the beginning of the round or at the 18th hole

It's Official: IHSA Cancels Spring Sports In Illinois

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors met for their April meeting via a video conference call this morning,, where the Board of Directors announced its decision to cancel all IHSA spring state tournaments. The decision to cancel the spring state tournaments comes in conjunction with Friday’s announcement by Governor Pritzker and the Illinois State Board of Education that all Illinois high schools will complete the 2019-20 school term from home via e-learning.

“We support the decision by Governor Pritzker and the Illinois State Board of Education, and given the logistics, we simply felt we could not conduct state tournaments that meet the expectations of our member schools this spring, ” said IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson. “As disappointing as it may be for students, it is the right decision for their health and safety, as well as for the health and safety of the general public, as we cope with this unprecedented pandemic.”

The IHSA offers state tournaments in the following sports and activities in the spring: Girls Badminton, Boys Gymnastics, Bass Fishing, Boys & Girls Track & Field, Boys & Girls Water Polo, Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Boys Volleyball, Baseball, and Softball.

The Board also determined that summer contact days are suspended for this year, unless state government and medical leaders indicate such gatherings are safe.  At that time, the Board indicated a willingness to reconsider how summer contact might be conducted and whether opportunities for schools to conduct some kind of spring athletic events might occur.

“Once it is determined safe to return, we will provide a detailed outline to our schools on the plan for summer contact days and possibly some kind of spring athletic events,” said Anderson. “Including if the number of days and dates that coaches can meet with athletes has been altered.  At this point, though, all that is dependent upon state government and medical leaders giving the go ahead for such.”

“Our thoughts right now are with all the impacted students, coaches and communities. Especially the seniors,” said Anderson. “It will be difficult for them to find a silver lining in all of this, but we stress that even if they don’t get the chance to compete again at the high school level, they are better for having been a part of their respective high school teams. By participating in high school sports and activities, they were exposed to life lessons in teamwork, leadership, and overcoming adversity that are difficult to replicate elsewhere. The latter is applicable now more than ever. We hope that we can band together and refocus all our efforts on supporting the doctors, nurses, first responders, and all the other essential personnel who are putting their health and safety on the line each day to keep us safe.”

The IHSA will continue to communicate with and monitor briefings from state officials, and based on those timelines, provide updates to its member schools as it relates to potential spring participation and summer contact days.

“The possibility of playing a spring sport game this summer is about closure,” said Anderson. “If we are able to offer this opportunity, no student-athlete would be restricted by having already practiced or competed with a non-school team.”

Mt. Carmel Turns On The Lights For The Fight

Tonight, Wabash CUSD #348 joined IHSA schools throughout Illinois and turned on their athletic lights as a part of #LightsForTheFight to show support for our senior students, as well as for all the healthcare workers, first responders, & all other essential workers on the frontlines of the pandemic. Athletic Complex lit up at 8:20 (20:20 military time) for 20 minutes. Go Aces!



Don Liddle Park. Photo courtesy of Shea Smith.

Don Liddle Park. Photo courtesy of Shea Smith.

Dee White Field. Photo courtesy of Shea Smith.

Dee White Field. Photo courtesy of Shea Smith.

Photo courtesy of MCHS Golden Aces Facebook page.

Photo courtesy of MCHS Golden Aces Facebook page.

WVC Tennis Courts

WVC Tennis Courts

COVID-19 Forces Postponement Of FNB 2-Man Scramble

From WBGC: Due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, it will be necessary to postpone the First National Bank 2-Man Scramble originally scheduled for May 16th and 17th.

The event has been rescheduled for August 22nd and 23rd, with the Am/Am on Friday the 21st.

Thank you for your participation and support of West Berwick Golf Course, we hope to have a great turnout in August.

Any questions please contact Jake at 618-262-5771.

Decision to Be Made Tuesday On Spring Sports In Illinois

Here’s an update from IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson following Governor Pritzker’s announcement that Illinois high schools will cease in-person learning for the remainder of the school year:

“The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors is scheduled to meet via video conference on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.

At that meeting, the Board will make a final determination on the IHSA’s spring sport state tournaments based on the Governor’s announcement on April 17 that Illinois high schools will not return to in-person learning this school year.

As we previously indicated, the cessation of in-person learning will make it difficult for the IHSA to conduct spring state tournaments this year. More information will be provided following Tuesday’s Board meeting.”

WSJD Joins WW1 To Present Great Postseason NFL Games

With all live sports still on hiatus, WSJD and Westwood One will offer a series of re-broadcasts of some classic contests in NFL postseason history, as well as some of the greatest Super Bowls of all-time. Each game will feature play-by-play as it aired originally, but edited down to minimize stoppages. Where possible, each game will feature interviews or other comments from some of the players and coaches that were involved in the contest. Other times, the broadcasts will feature NFL100 content to celebrate the first century of the NFL.

There will be fourteen “great postseason games” scheduled for rebroadcast on Thursday and Monday nights, beginning on Thursday, April 9th and continuing through Thursday, May 28th (There will not be a game rebroadcast on Thursday, April 23 due to the NFL Draft that evening). Each Monday night will feature a different Super Bowl broadcast, while each Thursday night will feature another postseason game from Westwood One’s archives that isn’t a Super Bowl.

Airtime for each broadcast will be 7:00 PM.

One of the games to be replayed will be the first Super Bowl ever--between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs. This will mark the first time the national radio broadcast will be aired in its entirety since the game was played on January 15, 1967. Some of the other Super Bowls to be rebroadcast in this series include Super Bowl XXIII (49ers vs. Bengals), Super Bowl XLII (Giants vs. Patriots), Super Bowl LI (the only overtime game in Super Bowl history) and the most recent one, Super Bowl LIV, won by Kansas City.

Playoff games that will be aired over the next several weeks include, the 1992 AFC Wild Card Game, when the Buffalo Bills overcame a 32-point deficit to defeat the Houston Oilers; the highest scoring game in NFL playoff history, a 2009 Wild Card Game between the Green Bay Packers and Arizona Cardinals; and the 2006 AFC Championship Game—one of the many postseason battles between Tom Brady and Peyton Manning.

Thursday 4/9           2009 NFC WLDCARD GAME (1/10/10)   Green Bay Packers @ Arizona Cardinals            

Monday 4/13          SUPER BOWL LIV (Kansas City vs. SF 49ers)                   

Thursday 4/16         1992 AFC WILDCARD GAME (1-3-93)   Houston Oilers @ Buffalo Bills

Monday 4/20          SUPER BOWL XLII (NY Giants vs. New England) 


Monday 4/27          SUPER BOWL XXXII (Denver vs. Green Bay)  

Thursday 4/30         2018 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME (1/20/19)     New England Patriots @ Kansas City Chiefs

Monday 5/4            SUPER BOWL XXIII (S. F. 49ers vs. Cincinnati)  

Thursday 5/7          2012 AFC DIVISIONAL GAME (1/12/13)   Baltimore Ravens @ Denver Broncos

Monday 5/11          SUPER BOWL LI (New England vs. Atlanta)    

Thursday 5/14         2014 NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME (1/18/15)      Green Bay Packers @ Seattle Seahawks

Monday 5/18          SUPER BOWL XLIII (Pittsburgh vs. Arizona)      

Thursday 5/21         2009 NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME (1/ 24/10)   Minnesota Vikings @ New Orleans Saints

Monday 5/25          SUPER BOWL I (Green Bay vs. Kansas City)       

Thursday 5/28        2006 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME (1/22/07)  New England Patriots @ Indianapolis Colts


IBCA All-Star Game Canceled, Hall of Fame Banquet Likely to be Rescheduled

The Illinois Basketball Coaches Association is issuing this statement in regard to our upcoming events: the 2020 All-Star Games and the 2020 Hall of Fame/Coach of the Year Banquet. Due to the coronavirus pandemic we have made some changes, but there have been several erroneous reports across the state and we want the correct information to be shared.


Originally scheduled for early June, 2020, THESE GAMES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. We will still be naming student-athletes to these teams. These players will be honored on our web page and in our Hall of Fame banquet book. We heartily congratulate those seniors who have earned this prestigious honor. For more information please go to our web page at


This event was originally scheduled for May 2, 2020 at Redbird Arena on the campus of Illinois State University. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. IT IS NOT CANCELLED. Our organization is working with ISU to determine if there is a date in August/September/October that would work as a reschedule date. We are exploring other options as well. For more information please go to our web page at We look forward to honoring our new Hall of Famers and our Coaches of the Year as they have earned this recognition through hard work and dedication to our game.

IHSA Still Plans On Spring Sports State Tournaments

From IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson:

“First and foremost, the IHSA continues to encourage all Illinois residents to heed the recommendations of state officials and medical experts. These quarantine and social distancing measures have been put in place not only for your own safety, but also for those around you. By adhering to them, we ensure the shortest path to returning to normalcy, including physical school attendance and participation in high school sports and activities.
Even though Illinois schools will remain closed through April 30th following the March 31st announcement by Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, we remain optimistic that a May 1 return to school, followed by a to-be-determined acclimatization practice period, can still result in a truncated spring season that culminates with IHSA State Series tournaments and the crowning of state champions in June.

In its discussions thus far, the IHSA Board of Directors has been highly supportive of creating an exemption to the IHSA Season Limitation By-law to allow spring sports to play into late June, but competing into or beyond July is not being considered at this time.

We are also realistic in recognizing that any further school postponements, or the cessation of physical school attendance for the remainder of the year, will almost certainly result in the cancellation of all remaining IHSA sports and activities this school year.”

Allendale-St. Mary's Athletes Honored

On Thursday, March 12th, the Allendale Ruritan Building held the 2019-2020 Co-op Sports Banquet for Allendale School and St. Mary's School.  Many student-athletes were awarded on this evening for Softball, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Girls Basketball, and Boys Basketball.  The following won special awards on the evening:

Softball:  Lauren Fisher (Golden Glove), Nora Jones (Golden Glove), Bella Andrews (MVP)

Boys Cross Country:  Alex McGinnis (Motivated Runner), Levi Potts (Best Attitude), Trentin Casburn (Best Attitude), Brendan Bowser (Most Improved), Kollin Kelsey (MVP), Isaiah Courter (MVP)

Girls Cross Country:  Hallie Courter (Motivated Runner), Nora Jones (Best Attitude), Linden Stevens (Best Attitude), Emma Carie (Most Improved), Isabella Monroy (Most Improved), Lily Keepes (MVP)

Cheerleading:  Chloe Cusick (Captain), Isabella Monroy (UCA All-American), Avery Swift (UCA All-American), Ava Bates (UCA All-American)

Girls Basketball:  Lyla Keepes (C-team MVP), Madeline Mann (B-team MVP), Madison Stevens (A-team MVP), Sarah McCorkle (2nd team All-Conference), Kali Walker (2nd team All-Conference), Nora Jones (1st team All-Conference), Madison Stevens (1st team All-Conference)

Boys Basketball:  Brendan Bowser (B-team Most Improved and Most Assists), Brady Porter (B-team Free Throw Champion and Most Assists), Chase Gher (B-team Most Points), Reed Stinson (B-team Most Rebounds), Cameron Kolb (B-team Most Steals), Trent Casburn (A-team MVP, Most Rebounds, 2nd team All-Conference), Reed Stinson (A-team Most Improved), Elliott Acree (A-team Free Throw Champion and All-Conference Honorable Mention), Matt Jackson (A-team Most Points), Carlos Monroy (A-team Most Steals), Kollin Kelsey (Most Assists and All-Conference Honorable Mention)

Thank you to the coaching staff of each sport:  C.B. Walker and Mark Fisher (Softball), Sarah Courter (Cross Country), Cindy Brogan (Cheerleading), C.B. Walker, Lori Stevens, Jon Jent (Girls Basketball), Rich Casburn, Jon Porter, Tim Clemans, Larry Letson (Boys Basketball).  Also a thank you to Cindy Brogan (St. Mary's Principal) and Jami Walker (St. Mary's Athletic Director) for all of their help during the co-op between the Yellow Jackets and the Rockets.  It was a very special season, as softball made the semi-finals of the Regional, girls basketball won the Diocesan Tournament in front of a packed house at Allendale, and the boys basketball team received a 4th place in the WEAA Conference Tournament, 3rd place in the Cisne B-team Tournament, 3rd place in the Clay City C-team Tournament, and an SIJHSAA Regional Championship.  

2019-2020 Yellow Jackets Boys Basketball (7th/8th grade)

2019-2020 Yellow Jackets Boys Basketball (7th/8th grade)

2019-2020 Yellow Jackets Boys Basketball (5th/6th grade)

2019-2020 Yellow Jackets Boys Basketball (5th/6th grade)

2019 Yellow Jackets Cross Country (boys)

2019 Yellow Jackets Cross Country (boys)

2019 Lady Rockets Softball Team

2019 Lady Rockets Softball Team

2019 Yellow Jackets Cross Country Team

2019 Yellow Jackets Cross Country Team

2019-2020 Cheerleaders

2019-2020 Cheerleaders

2019-2020 Lady Rockets C-team

2019-2020 Lady Rockets C-team

2019-2020 Lady Rockets B-team

2019-2020 Lady Rockets B-team
