IDPH Confirms: Mt. Carmel City Pool Not Certified To Operate In 2025

The Illinois Department of Public Health has put the final nail in Mt. Carmel’s City Pool. At Monday’s city council meeting, Mayor Joe Judge said an IDPH investigator visited the pool on Friday and his findings were as expected….

The city council is looking to replace the pool with a new $8.2 million aquatic center to be built on the pool’s current site on Park Road. City voters in November will decide on a property tax referendum to help fund a portion of the new pool…

And why go to referendum? Judge said it’s important for your voice to be heard on the issue…

Judge said the city is continuing to pursue grant opportunities as they arise and a naming rights campaign will look to help offset the difference between the project’s cost and the $3.5 million the referendum would bring in if approved.

Shelbys Named Illinois Department of Natural Resources Volunteers of the Year in 2024

Robert and Marcia Shelby of West Salem were named Volunteers of the year for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in 2024!

The couple has devoted their lives to avian conservation. Both serve as county compilers for the Illinois Natural History Survey Spring Bird Count, participate in the Christmas Bird Count, monitor Barn Owl populations, conduct breeding bird surveys, and record data on owls and night jars during moon route surveys.

Robert has been instrumental in restoring nesting Osprey and Barn Owl populations. He has assisted with the tower construction for Osprey nesting at Lake Shelbyville and installed several Barn Owl nesting boxes in various locations throughout Southern Illinois.

This couple has volunteered countless hours at Beall Woods State Park during the past seven years. They have presented programs and led guided hikes for thousands of students during their field trips to the park. Programs have included Woodpecker Identification, Furbearers of Illinois, Bird Identification and songs, Wildflower Identification, Edible Plants, Prescribed Burns, Bird Migration, and many more.
Robert's true passion when it comes to educating the next generation is encompassed by the Greater Prairie Chicken. He not only has presented programs on this species, but has helped manage the bird's grassland habitat at Prairie Ridge State Natural Area. He was a part of the translocation process of GPCs from Kansas to Prairie Ridge, and shares his knowledge of the birds and efforts to sustain the Illinois population. Robert became a Master Naturalist in 2019 with the mindset of learning more about our natural resources so that he could pass even more information.

When it comes to creativity and nature-based art, Marcia has developed educational and fun hands-on activities and crafts for visitors and students in which to participate while at the park. She designed an activity booklet for use in the Visitor's Center and has put together power point presentations that have been used during site programming. They both have assisted with park events such as The Old Growth Network Dedication, Sportsmen's Event, The Total Solar Eclipse, Earth Day in the Parks, and Beall Woods 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Forest and prairie habitat management is also very important to the Shelby's. Robert has been an active member of the IDNR prescribed burn team for years. He has assisted with burns at Beall Woods and many other state parks and natural areas. Both Robert and Marcia monitor invasive species locations in the Nature Preserve and prairie restoration areas at Beall Woods.

Robert has spent many days volunteering at Beall Woods but has also been employed at the park as a conservation worker since 2003. He strives to make sure the park grounds look inviting to visitors and does a wonderful job taking care of the facilities and equipment along with the other park staff.

The contributions that Robert and Marcia Shelby have made not only to Beall Woods State Park but to the IDNR do not go unnoticed and are greatly appreciated. Their time, knowledge shared and dedication to habitat management and species restoration shows that they are true conservationists and deserve being selected as Volunteers of the Year.

School Board Raises Athletic Officials Pay

To combat a shortage of athletic officials, Mt. Carmel High School is joining other members of the Little Illini Conference in raising the pay for officials. At their meeting Monday night, the District #348 school board accepted athletic director Kyle Buss’s recommendation to increase the per game pay for officials in all sports…

The shortage is affecting the Aces football schedule this fall. Three games have had to be rescheduled with the latest one being the September 13th game at Robinson. That game will now be played on Saturday, September 14th in Robinson. Buss said the pay increase among the L. I. C. schools is more than what other surrounding conferences in central and southern Illinois are paying officials.

I-64 Bridge Replacements at Grayville Begins

The Illinois Department of Transportation today announced that a project to replace the two existing bridges on Interstate 64 crossing the Wabash River just east of Grayville in White County begins, weather permitting, Monday, Aug. 19.

The $136 million improvement project will take place over six consecutive construction seasons, broken down into the following stages:

Stage 1: During construction, motorists can expect lane closures on I-64 in White County. At least one lane will always remain open in both directions. Work will include pavement repairs and construction of crossovers for a future traffic shift. Construction is anticipated to be completed in early winter 2024.

Stage 2: Once the crossovers are complete, traffic will share the eastbound I-64 lanes. Work will consist of demolition of the westbound I-64 bridge and construction of the new eastbound and westbound bridges. Work is anticipated to begin in winter 2024 and construction of the new structures is anticipated to be completed in fall 2028.

Stage 3: The remaining work will include removal of the existing eastbound structure. Motorists can expect lane closures and lane shifts. Construction is anticipated to begin in fall 2028 and be completed in fall 2029.

Drivers are urged to pay close attention to changing conditions and all detour signs prior to the work zone, obey the posted speed limits, refrain from using mobile devices and be alert for workers and equipment.

Nirvana Could Open Next Month

The long-anticipated opening of the Nirvana cannabis dispensary is getting closer to reality. On this month’s “Ask The Mayor” segment, Joe Judge said he was recently contact by Nirvana’s owner on the progress of remodeling the former A T & T building at 9th and Chestnut Streets…

Nirvana currently has dispensaries in Arizona, Maryland, Michigan, and Ohio. Their website states Nirvana is committed to providing high-quality and innovative Cannabis products to customers & patients, with an experience that is catered to their individualized needs.

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