Candidate Filing Period Starts Monday For 2022 Election
The filing period starts Monday for local and state candidates running in this year’s election. In Wabash County, early indications are that it could be quiet campaign as there is just one race shaping out of the four local offices on the ballot.
The only potential race right now would be for Wabash County treasurer as Beverly McBride has chosen to retire December 1st and not seek another term. Amy Conrad has taken out a democratic petition to run for treasurer while Angela Broster has pulled a Republican petition to run for treasurer.
Incumbents are the only ones with petitions for the other three offices on the ballot. Those include Sheriff Derek Morgan, county commissioner Rob Dean, and county clerk Janet Will.
Will stressed that there’s still time to pick up the campaign information in her office, gather the necessary signatures, and file to run anytime next week at the courthouse.
Will also reminded voters that you should have recently received a new voter ID card. The new card was necessary because of redistricting that took place after the 2020 Census. Will advises voters to contact her office if they didn’t receive a new ID card since that could be a sign something is wrong with their registration.
The primary election in Illinois is June 28th. The general election this year is November 8th.