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Jackets "A" Team Wins Regular Season Finale Over Albion

On Wednesday, January 22nd, Yellow Jackets Basketball traveled to Albion for its final regular season game.  In the C-game, Albion won the game 24-22.  Scoring for the C-team was:  Brendan Bowser with 10 points, Brady Porter with 8 points, Tim Harness with 2 points, and Cameron Kolb with 2 points.  The C-team is now 9-5 on the season.

In the B-game, Albion defeated the Yellow Jackets by the final score of 55-29.  Scoring for the Yellow Jackets was:  Chase Gher with 11 points, Elliott Acree with 7 points, Brendan Bowser with 4 points, Brady Porter with 2 points, Mark Vaupel with 2 points, Reed Stinson with 1 point, Roland Foster with 1 point, and Kollin Kelsey with 1 point.  The B-team is now 9-6 on the season.

In the A-game, the Yellow Jackets came out victorious by the final score of 45-43.  Scoring for the Yellow Jackets was:  Carlos Monroy with 15 points, Trent Casburn with 12 points, Matt Jackson with 8 points, Kollin Kelsey with 5 points, Elliott Acree with 3 points, and Clay Morgan with 2 points.  The A-team is now 11-8 on the season heading into Regional play next Wednesday night at Clay City.

Next up:  Yellow Jackets in Cisne 7th grade tournament January 24th and 25th.