Wabash County Board Of Commissioners Meeting Agenda
REGULAR MEETING Monday, May 15, 2023
1) Call to order:
2) Approve minutes of previous meeting:
3) Commissioner’s reports:
4) Officer’s reports:
5) Old Business:
a. ARPA Ordinance.
b. Appointment to the Allendale Fire Protection District.
6) New Business:
a. Resolution No. 2023-02 – Appropriation of Funds for CH 12 Resurfacing Project.
b. Resolution No. 2023-03 – Support for the Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission 2023-2024 grant year.
c. Discuss construction of a County Highway building.
7) Executive Session:
a. Personnel/Legal
8) Correspondence:
9) Approval of payment of claims presented:
10) Adjournment:
This agenda is subject to change prior to the time of the meeting if necessary.
The meeting will be held upstairs in the Courtroom.