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Drug Trial Of Mt. Carmel Man Resumes Today

The drug trial of 61-year-old John Dardeen resumes today in Wabash County Circuit Court. The Mt. Carmel man is charged with a Class 2 felony of meth delivery of more than 5 grams.

After a 12-person jury with two alternates was seated Monday, yesterday’s proceedings were delayed after Dardeen failed to show up for the 9am start. After waiting for more than an hour and 15 minutes, Judge William Hudson ordered opening arguments to begin at which time Dardeen arrived.

State’s attorney Kelli Storckman called Sgt. Anthony Johnson to testify how he used a confidential source to buy meth from Dardeen on two separate occasions. Two other State Police employees testified as to testing the substances the source bought from Dardeen.

Storckman’s final witness was the source who testified to buying the alleged meth from Dardeen with the help of the Southern Illinois Drug Task Force. Storckman then showed jurors two videos of the undercover operation and the alleged purchases of the drug.

At the conclusion of the videos, Storckman rested her case and Hudson recessed the trial until this morning at which time attorney Rhonda Blades will begin presenting the defense’s case.

Dardeen was arrested last March and remains free after posting a $2,000 cash bond.