Trial Testimony Leading To More Charges For Mt. Carmel Man
At his trial earlier this month for selling methamphetamine, 61 year old John Dardeen told jurors he was innocent of the charge because he sold cannabis and not meth. After Dardeen was convicted of the meth dealing charge on February 8th, local authorities used Dardeen’s testimony against and obtained a search warrant for his residence in the 300 block of Walnut Street. The search resulted in several items being located that are associated with the manufacture and delivery of methamphetamine, a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun with ammunition, and many other cannabis related items. Dardeen is currently awaiting sentencing on March 20th following the guilty verdict on the methamphetamine delivery charge. The Class 2 felony carries a possible term of 3 to 7 years in the department of corrections. Authorities say new charges will be forthcoming as a result of the search warrant.
John Dardeen is led to the Wabash County on February 8th after being guilty of a meth possession charge by a Wabash County Jury.