WSJD 100.5

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MCPD Cracking Down Again On Motorized Bicycles

Last year, Mt. Carmel Police Chief Mike McWilliams announced that his officers were cracking down on motorized bicycles that were often time disobeying traffic laws and generally being a nuisance and safety hazard to themselves and other motorists. At yesterday’s city council meeting, McWilliams said those efforts last year, for the most part, were successful. But now, the problem is reappearing and McWilliams says his officers will be cracking down on those operating the motorized bicycles in a reckless manner…

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McWilliams said the time for warnings is over and tickets will now be issued for violations. And with so many violations possible with each stop, officer Art Kimmel who was at the meeting, says he envisions several tickets being possible.